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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

We are all learning... and learning quickly!

Friday update...

Some of the Tudor Team on our 'Book Day'...

Latest news:

It has been some time since the last web update about life in our school. Since then, we have enjoyed an Ofsted Inspection, a 'Sports Fundraiser', monitoring activities to support the development of teachers amongst many other things. The sun shining today (Thursday 9th March) was a welcome reminder that warmer weather is coming too- the sunny climate certainly reflects the positive atmosphere inside the school...

 In regard to the 'Ofsted Experience', the school is waiting for the written report to be released so that we can share the outcomes with all of the families. Whilst I am unable to share the judgements at this point, I would like to share the hard work and professional dedication that the staff of your school showed throughout the inspection.   

Another example of when the school showed success when working together was when we were visited by Elizabeth Cann and the 'Sport for Schools' project. Miss Cosby planned for all the children to take part and the feedback was certainly pleasing- from all ages. At this point, we are thrilled to share that the current total for the fundraising stands at £1734well done to all of you in helping achieve this great figure!

Monitoring and Evaluation is a vital tool in enhancing the standards of teaching and the outcomes are looking really strong at the moment. I am sure that you will agree that displays and the classroom environments are looking good and these standards are also evident in the children's books. The focus of our book scrutiny was high ability writing and I think it is fair to see we have some very able writers in our school- some could even make a career out of it!

Talking of authors, it is our 'Tudor Book Day' tomorrow- the fun just does not stop does it! I think the only people who are more excited than the children are the teachers- going by the conversations in the staff room today, the children are in for a treat- I hope my own idea does not give the children too many nightmares! 

The Friends of Tudor continue to work hard 'behind the scenes' for the children with their effortless fundraising that really makes a difference for the children of Tudor. The discos were well attended and I am sure that you have received the latest letter sharing information about the Bingo Night as well as the Easter Extravaganza. If you are unable to help with FOT, please try and do all that you can to attend the events that Viv and her valued team organise. Use this link for the FOT page top find out what is on and when.

The 'Governors of Tudor' are also working very effectively. The Chair, Jenny Howard, and the rest of the governors have been very visible around school and they are proving to be a vital cog in the raising of standards. If you are interested in joining them to help lead Tudor Primary forward, do put yourself forward for election to the governing body. If you would like more information about this rewarding role, do contact the school office. 

Science Week is next week. Mrs Rogers is our subject leader for science and there is the theme of 'Change'. I must say that, even though the new leadership team of Tudor is only 109 days into the role, there has been a number of changes already... we hope that you see the benefit of them!

High levels of attendance of children is still a priority and I really want to stress to you how important it is for your children to be in school. Before you make holiday choices, do look at the term dates for next year. Use this link to find out the dates for 2017-2018.

Thanks for taking the time to read this latest web update. I trust that it shares how Tudor Primary continues to go from strength to strength...

Mr Rob Weightman/ Headteacher