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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Exciting opportunities for ALL...

Newsletter 4

Tuesday 15th November 2022

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Some super feedback to share with you. County advisors full of praise for Tudor…

In the last newsletter, we were delighted to share some feedback following a county advisor visit to our early years. Since then, we have been visited by our HIP (Hertfordshire Improvement Partner) as part of her important cycle of support (and challenge) with us at Tudor. The focus was on phonics and early reading which, as many of you will know, has high focus in education at the moment. I am delighted to share that the school did incredibly well and the approaches of the staff team (and their efforts) were highly praised- so much so that we are under consideration for the highest level of banding/ grading given by county advisors. This obviously is further evidence that we should look forward to our future Ofsted inspection positively. The staff team were able to evidence how effectively they work WITH each other and how CONSISTENT they are when it comes to putting our approaches into practice.

School evaluation is important and our ongoing commitment to a high focus on this is key to any success we have. The children remain central to this and we seek their views (and feedback) at every opportunity- they clearly are incredibly proud of their school and they are able to talk with passion and honesty about how Tudor helps them. They are also keen to tell us about areas for further improvement too- they truly do have a voice and I know that their input was also vital when county advisors were finding their evidence. After all, we want all out children to be proud of THEIR school- just like Jacob in year 1- he’s ALREADY a super author…

A number of important learning interventions are well underway and some of these include the offer of free regular (and high quality!) tuition before school. If your child is offered such support, please do try to enable your child to take part. We are determined for all children to benefit from a broad and balanced experience of school and access a full and inspiring curriculum. By using time outside of ‘traditional school hours’ enables children to increase their confidence and access bespoke support which they can use in class. The impact of such approaches at Tudor is highly evident- and it is not just in respect of academic outcomes!


ATTENDANCE is such an important indicator of wellbeing…

Attendance in years 1-6 is really strong this year (it’s nearly 97%- that’s amazing!) and this demonstrates high levels of commitment to school. On the other hand, overall attendance in reception needs to imorove- especially considering the importance of this first full year in education. As NHS guidance states: ‘It's fine to send your child to school with a minor cough or common cold.’ Experiencing those symptoms is all part of growing up and developing a resilience. EVERY day does truly matter in education- children who attend well, achieve well and are more likely to be successful- in school and in their later careers. Look at how the attendance percentages impacts upon a child’s development.

Don’t forget to look at your ARBOR app to see you child’s current attendance data. Our website has further information too:

Inclusion at Tudor Primary- a message from Miss Reading- our Leader for Inclusion:

Please see the SEND/Family Support Links section of the website to read the latest newsletter from Delivering Special Provision Locally which provides information about courses and support available for parents in Dacorum and contact details for Special Educational Needs Advice Lines (including Educational Psychology and Speech, Language, Communication and Autism (SLCA) team. The newsletter can be accessed via this link:

Our next 'Tudor Coffee Morning' will take place at 9am on Friday 25th November, this will be an opportunity to discuss any concerns or ask any questions you may have about your child's education or wellbeing. Alternatively, just come along for a cup of tea or coffee and to see some friendly faces, I hope to see you there!

A message from the Friends of Tudor- What a SPECTACULAR fireworks night. Thank you for supporting us- we look forward to putting the funds raised towards some exciting projects! Well done to all who helped!

The office can now accept card payments- If you need to pay for meals or uniform, you can now use your card as well as cash! 

Lost Property- Have you made sure that you have CLEARLY named your children’s uniform? If you want help with this, do contact the office team. When uniform is suitably named we can easily get misplaced items back to the correct children/ families.

It was fun to see so many odd socks being worn this Monday to help highlight ‘Anti-Bullying week’ in school. As our partnership work with the NSPCC helped demonstrate, the children of Tudor are highly knowledgeable about what to do if they feel unhappy. Feeling safe in school is key to ensuring the well-being of children (and adults!) and we are very proud of the atmosphere in school- it is always our biggest selling point on tours too and there is a LOT of interest in school spaces at Tudor- long may that continue! Don’t forget that children are able to wear BRIGHT COLOURS on Friday 18th November for ‘Children In Need’.

We continue to offer a lot of additional opportunities in school and these range from (surprise) theatre visits to sporting fun. The football team made a super start and, as shared on our twitter pages, we are experiencing some AWESOME success in inter-school sport competitions and festivals.

Talking of activity, have you seen some of our dance videos on twitter? All classes will receive tuition this year and further forest school provision will soon offered.


We value our ongoing relationships with pupils- even after they have moved on. I’ll soon will be working with Longdean Secondary School again- we remain keen to see how previous Tudorites are responding once they leave us. They are always #TeamTudor.

The children continue to evidence our HIGH standards of behaviour. Wherever the children of Tudor are, we remain thrilled with how they share our values. We always receive positive comments from other provides as well as members of the public when we’re out and about. An example was when lower key stage 2 walked to the war memorial in Boxmoor as part of remembrance and the theme of ‘Is it right to fight?’- well done to all the children…

I hope you enjoy reading about life at Tudor. From getting the HIGHEST quality feedback from county advisors, the children are excelling in class and benefitting from a WIDE range of experiences. #TeamTudor is determined to give your children the best experience of school. Thanks to all those parents who support us…

Mr Weightman    
