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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Important news and information for the start of the year...

Newsletter 1

Thursday 8th September

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Let’s look forward to a(nother) fantastic year

I would like to begin this first newsletter of the year by welcoming you all to the new school year. An extra special welcome goes to all those new children (and families) who are now #TeamTudor for the first time. How exciting! The new term has started well and the children are settled into their new classes. It always impresses me how confidently the children return- even our youngest learners were busy and engaged within minutes of our doors opening on Monday. Speaking of doors opening, the start of the each day has been really effective and more children are now benefitting from the 8.45am registration.

The partnership we enjoy with families is key and we thank you all in advance for ensuring your children arrive promptly and ready for each important day of schooling. As I shared at the end of last year, the school is thrilled with the progress and results of the children but this can only be achieved when we ALL take a FULL commitment to the education of the children.

The children continue to tell us that one of the main reasons they love their school is how the learning is really exciting. Our thematic curriculum at Tudor is different but is certainly INSPIRES! I LOVE how the teaching team transform their classrooms too.

Our current themes are:

EYFS- New Beginnings

Year 1 and Year 2- Toy Stories  

Year 3 and Year 4- Is it Right to Fight?

Year 5 and Year 6- A Whole New World

It is always important to keep updating and improving our school site. Over the last few years, I have been determined for the children to flourish in a school site of high quality and we continue to upgrade. This is obviously dependent on budgets and it is frustrating to have to spend considerable amounts of money on ‘correcting’ projects that have been previously installed at a low standard.  The new reception playground is now a much improved safe space for children and the new nursery steps allow for safer entry and exit. A huge thank you to Mr Denny who works extremely hard for Tudor Primary- he makes a difference for every person that steps onto the site!

Please look at our website- it shares how we CONTINUE to grow and IMPROVE

A great deal of effort goes into making it a vital information portal for our school community (and further afield). I do hope that you have all looked at the class blogs- they have all been updated with key information about what is in store for your children. The ‘MEET THE TEACHER’ presentations are already available to you and these will support a smooth start to the year. The website also contains guidance on everything that you need to know- from class assembly times and key policies to evidencing the impact that we have with your children- it’s all on there. We also welcome KreativeDanceAcademy to Tudor this year.

Every child will receive a course of expert dance tuition and other partnerships including Soundbox Music Academy and Forest School remain part of our provision.

These partnerships include expert tutors working ALONGSIDE our teaching team so that the impact can be sustained for years to come. It is not just the children that are learning each day- we ALL are!

Inclusion at Tudor Primary- a message from Miss Reading- our Leader for Inclusion:

If you would like to find out more information on how the school supports children with special educational needs, please take a look at the SEND/Family Support Links section of the website: .

Here you will find a wealth of information, including a link to 'Tudor School's Information Report' which answers many common questions, you will also find details about courses and support meetings for parents, carers and siblings of children with additional needs. If you cannot find what you are looking for or have any questions or concerns about your child's education or wellbeing, please do not hesitate to contact me via email at:, call the school office and ask to make an appointment with me or find me on the playground every day during school drop off and pick-up.


All parents need to download this on their phone.  Tudor uses this for ‘in-app messages’ to help share key news and information. Be assured that you will still be notified that the school has sent you a message- your phone’s notification system will highlight this. Replying to messages is also possible. Gateway messages will no longer be monitored. Arbor will be our only app for school payments- meals/ trips and more. Please follow this link for further guidance on use of Arbor: Tudor Primary School - Online Payments & Messaging- ARBOR

A message from Ms Smith (Designated Safeguarding Lead)

All staff at Tudor have a responsibility to provide a safe environment in which children learn and as such, we constantly update our policies and practice in line with government guidelines.  Please do take a look through our 'How we keep ourselves safe at Tudor' booklet as it provides an overview of how we do this and links to all of our important documents. 

This booklet can be found on the dedicated Safeguarding page on our school website.  If you would like to speak to myself or someone from our safeguarding team, please let the office know and one of us will contact you.

After School Clubs- please make sure forms are returned by Monday! And FRIDAY FREEWHEELING…

Children will receive a letter today sharing our new after school clubs. DO NOT send any money in with the forms- we will request payment once a space has been allocated. We are determined for as many children as possible to benefit from extra-curricular activity at Tudor and all clubs will start on the week beginning 19th September. The only exception is Friday Freewheeling which starts NEXT Friday (16th September). In line with our policy on children leaving the site safely, children in Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 will require an adult with them at Friday Freewheeling. Children in years 4,5 and 6 can be unaccompanied but they MUST be on the register.

Following school guidance- Jewellery-  Jewellery should not be worn in school – it is too precious and contravenes the ‘Health and Safety’ guidelines which all schools must abide by. If your child has pierced ears we would prefer it if they did not wear earrings to school, but if they must, then they may only wear one small stud earring in each ear. If they are not yet able to remove their own earrings, then they may need to cover them with surgical tape for physical activities. Thank you in advance for your support.

A message from the Friends of Tudor- The Friends of Tudor invite the school community to a new event for this year. A Staff v Parent football match will take place on Sunday 18th September. The gates open at 12.30 and the game kicks off at 1.30pm. There will be hot dogs, face painting and more. Let’s hope there’s some super sporting talent on display too!

The Tudor Governing Board- Parent Governor Elections- you will soon be sent information about parent governor elections. If you would like to nominate yourself for this important role, do follow the guidance. Nominations need to be returned to school by Wednesday 14th September.

See you on the playground…                      

Mr Weightman     #TeamTudor