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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Some super news to share as we look back over a successful year...

Newsletter 19

Tuesday 12th July 2022

Dear Parents/ Carers,

TUDOR REACHING THE TOP! A huge well done to ALL…

This has certainly been a year of challenges. For the first time in a few years, the children have been able to access what has essentially been a full year of school. Other than a single day back in December, the school has been fully open and operational. Our catch-up programme to help children get ‘back on track’ has also seen a vast range of interventions offered across the year groups and an essential part of this has been the additional learning time offered to children. It is fair to say that our hard work to support your children started on the very first day of the original school closures and we remain very proud of how we offered such a high level of interaction and support to every child. This meant that the children maintained their positive approach to learning and were able to ‘hit the ground running’ when back at Tudor.

Whilst national standards have clearly been affected and children across the country have not achieved what they would have been able to with a normal experience of school, we are delighted to share that we have achieved some of the most pleasing outcomes we have ever had at Tudor. We have even received congratulations from county advisors! Here are some headlines:

  • Reception outcomes remained consistent. 67% of children achieved the expected outcome. This level has improved by over 15% in the last 4 years.
  • Year 1 achieved a phonics screening pass rate of 83%. This has improved by 20% over the last 4 years.
  • Year 2 outcomes have remained consistent despite this being the first year they have experienced a full year of education.
  • Year 4 achieved PHENOMENAL multiplication screening results with 50% of the children achieving FULL marks.

To ‘top these all off’, year 6 received their SAT assessment results last week and all at Tudor should feel proud for how this cohort have performed.

Over 80% of the children achieved national expectations- nearly 40% achieving the highest banding possible in reading and maths. Our spelling and grammar was even more impressive with more than half of the children achieving the greater depth level. To see how our performance compares to national levels, do look at our website. Our main priority at school must always be the safety and well-being of children but I have to say that we should all be very proud of these achievements- especially considering what children and families have had to cope with over the past few years. Children can only flourish if HAPPY and ENGAGED and I think that there is clear evidence that our young Tudorites TRULY are

September 2022- REGISTRATION TO BE AT 8.45am

From September 2022

8.45am- School registration (ALL children to arrive):

8.55am- Registers CLOSE (children LATE after this time)

1.15pm- Afternoon registration

3.15pm- End of school

As shared in the last newsletter, please remember that, from September, registration is to be brought forward to 8.45am and children will be registered as soon as they enter the class. As well as ensuring ALL children get access to 32.5 hours of provision (5 days a week from 8.45am-3.15pm), the school wants to tighten procedures at the start of the day. Children arriving after 8.55am from September will be classed as late arrivals. Please ensure your children are TRULY ready for a super start each day. We look forward to your support.

Inclusion at Tudor Primary- a message from Miss Reading- our Leader for Inclusion:

Please use the following link to find details of specialist advice lines for parents/carers (including Educational Psychology, Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD),  Speech, Language, Communication and autism Needs (SLCA), and Children and young people's therapy services):  This link will also provide contact details of a range of organisations that can offer support in many areas, including wellbeing.  During the Summer holidays HAPpy Holiday Camps are taking place across Hertfordshire. Activities will be running in different venues across the county for children and young people eligible for benefits related free school meals, and all include a nutritious meal each day. For more information please visit: If you would like to book a space for your child contact the school office or for your unique booking code. Finally, I wish all families at Tudor an enjoyable and safe break and I look forward to seeing you again in September. 

Sports Day MOVED due to sun safety- IT IS NOW FRIDAY MORNING

After looking at the forecast for Monday, we will be moving our sports activity day. Years 1-6 will now be completing field events from 9.30am-11.15am on Friday 15th July. We will NOT be able to offer the picnic lunch opportunity for parents and/ or the additional track activities on the field. We trust you understand the reasons behind this short notice.

Following a recent early years sports festival we have decided to run a joint Nursery and Reception sports on Tuesday 19th July (NOW CANCELLED). Please be assured that sport continues to SHINE at Tudor- check out Kaiden winning the year 6 sprint at the recent Hemel Inter-School sports.

All of the children represented the school really well- in behaviour and in levels of competition!


As shared already via various forms of communication, school now requires ALL dinner payments to be made via the Arbor parent portal. Only use school gateway for breakfast club bookings or trip and club payments. All balances have been transferred to the new system. Any questions, contact the office!

Parent consultations- we hope you enjoyed hearing how your children have responded this year!

Our end of year consultations are an important opportunity to share how well the children have progressed- academically and socially. The feedback from parents was overwhelmingly positive and it is very pleasing to hear how much you appreciate the teaching team. Within EVERY report there was a pre-written comment in regard to the level of attendance. Do recognise that school ensures they are as aware of different circumstances as possible in regard to each child’s potential to receive a full education. Children below 90% for ANY reason are regarded as persistent absentees. Those families of increased concern are contacted and receive additional information on what we can do to support. If you would like more specific information about the data we hold for your child’s attendance during their time at Tudor, do get in contact with us. Nothing supports high achievement more than a CONSISTENT experience of school.

Let’s finish this successful year in the right way…

The end of the year remains busy and the school is a hive of activity. There have been concerts and experiences in school (including floristry!) and a number of exciting trips out of school too.

We have also held school events to celebrate the importance of reading. From making the coolest costumes for our Tudor Book day to attending in-school (or online!) parent meetings, partnership is KEY!

Let’s all enjoy these last few days of what has been a tremendous year for Tudor. Don’t forget that school finishes at 2pm next Wednesday (20th July).

Mr Weightman    
