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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Life at Tudor Primary- let's make the last 4 weeks TRULY matter!

Newsletter 18

Wednesday 22nd June

Dear Parents/ Carers,

A BUSY (but exciting!) final four weeks is in store!

Whilst the temperature increases in summer, so does the level of activity in schools. We remain determined to keep pushing the children forward with their learning and we want them to achieve the aspirational targets that we have set for them. As you will be aware, there is a multitude of extra interventions and strategies that we have in place for our learners and we are keen for as many children as possible to be at the level ‘expected’ of their age- and beyond!

More and more evidence informs us that we are making the right decisions for your children and I would like to thank all those parents who help enable the best academic and social outcomes for their children. There is often a need for those tough conversations at times and we must ensure that we keep the balance right and allow children to flourish whilst having fun- as the number of children who visit me each day demonstrate, I do think we are giving the children of Tudor a great deal!

September 2022- REGISTRATION TO BE AT 8.45am

As you know, Tudor is open to all children from 8.45am each morning and learning activities are available from the moment the children enter the classrooms. The ‘official’ registration time, though, has always been 8.55am. From September, this is to be brought forward to 8.45am and children will be registered as soon as they enter the class.

From September 2022

8.45am- School registration (ALL children to arrive):

8.55am- Registers CLOSE (children LATE after this time)

1.15pm- Afternoon registration

3.15pm- End of school

As well as ensuring ALL children get access to 32.5 hours of provision (5 days a week from 8.45am-3.15pm), the school wants to tighten procedures at the start of the day. Children arriving after 8.55am from September will be classed as late arrivals. I am sure you all recognise the importance of effectively registering all the children at the start of a school day and ALL at #TeamTudor (especially the office team!) look forward to all families making sure EVERY child is ready for an 8.45am start.

I believe this will also improve the situation for the minority of families who ‘insist’ on arriving late each day. Whilst occasional days can be more difficult and certain events are unavoidable I do not think there is any excuse to regularly bring children late into school. Disappointingly, blame is often placed on the children- remember it is the responsibility of all parents to ensure their children arrive ready to learn at school each day and at the right time. As I said in an earlier newsletter, it is not a comfortable feeling when you arrive late for a meeting/ appointment- a small minority of our children experience that negative feeling on too many occasions. In respect of general attendance, the school is working very well for the VAST majority of our families and I thank all those parents who are honest and open in their communication with the school.

Attendance Information- including use of FPN (Fixed Penalty Notices)

Please do ensure you remain aware of the relevant policies on attendance at school.

We use county guidance and our website is able to share key information as well as the expectations in place. There is also information on the use of Fixed Penalty Notices which continue to be used when required at Tudor. EVERY DAY COUNTS in school…

Inclusion at Tudor Primary- a message from Miss Reading- our Leader for Inclusion:

Thank you to the parents/carers that have already provided feedback on 'Tudor's Information Report' It is not too late for you to still contact me with any suggestions or feedback you may have. Please read about support available to Dacorum Parent/Carers, from local providers at: You can also find information about support and services available for children with additional needs at If you cannot find what you are looking for, do contact me. 

IMPORTANT DATES (including class assemblies and SPORTS DAYS)- STAY INFORMED

PLEASE do engage regularly with our awesome website-we endeavour to keep all the information up to date- it should be your first ‘port of call’ for finding out school information and news.

These are the dates for the remaining class assemblies for the academic year:

23rd June-1P

1st July-2R            

8th July- 1O

19th July (evening) Y6 Leavers’

We are CLOSED this coming Monday- this our ‘school-selected’ bank holiday. Check the website for transition days, parent meetings, end of year report meetings, concerts, visits and MORE!

Look out for more information on our school sports day(s) which are currently being organised

Mr Higgins will be sharing further information about our end of year sporting activities this week. Years 1-6 will taking part in a day of sport on Monday 18th July from 10am until 2pm. Reception children will be taking part on their ‘Reception Sports’ at 9.30 on Tuesday 19th July and this will be followed by our ‘Nursery Sports’ at 11am. Let’s hope the sun continues to shine for these events!


As shared already via various forms of communication, school now requires ALL dinner payments to be made via the Arbor parent portal. Only use school gateway for breakfast club bookings or trip and club payments. All balances have been transferred to the new system. Any questions, contact the office!

…reading, Reading, READING- we NEVER stop learning!

We are proud of the approaches we have at Tudor for the development of reading: it really is the most important learning skill of all and a commitment to reading regularly (as well as reading a range of texts, styles, genres) is fantastic for your personal development and wellbeing. We continue to invest in high quality reading resources as well as opportunities for the children.

Our library is a fantastic place to visit and we hope as many children as possible benefit from it- our current focus is poetry. Why not pop in and find out more after school?  Our Tudor Book Day takes place on July 1st and you have already been given information on what is in store for the children. In fact, a number of extra activities (and visitors) have already enhanced our continued focus on this vital area of the curriculum.    

And finally...

Year 6 continue to enjoy their end of year experiences (including learning to ski!) and many other year groups are visiting wondrous places like Southend and Kew Gardens. As shared with some parents recently, visits out of school are becoming harder to offer- especially with recent (HUGE!) increases in coach costs. Tudor takes great pride in being able to subsidise ALL of our visits- we continue to pledge that our young learners can enjoy a FULL experience of school as well as a range of awesome ‘extras’ and ‘surprises’- after all, these make coming to school at Tudor that extra bit more special! Tudor TRULY is a place of BIG smiles!

Enjoy the rest of the week- and the extra-long weekend…      

Mr Weightman
