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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

16th - 20th May 2022

Let’s all get creative and get set go for Walk to School Week.

Our five-day walking challenge is an annual celebration of the walk to school and the perfect activity to celebrate National Walking Month this May.  The fun and engaging week-long activity has been built to make pupils experience first-hand, the importance of walking to school.

During Walk to School Week, encourage your child to use active modes of transport to get to school. This can be walking, cycling, scooting or parking and striding - and this is likely to mean you too!  Encouraging YOU, as parents, to park even a little way from the school reduces congestion and air pollution at the school gates and improves road safety. Pupils can walk the last few minutes into school with friends and family.

For every child who meets this challenge, time will be earned collectively towards extra active playtime - including 'Tudor Towers' time.  This means all children, in every class, will benefit!

Through this challenge, children will be well on their way to reaching their recommended 60 minutes minimum of physical activity per day before even reaching the school gates!