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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

From Pupil Voice to Sporting Success - STAY INFORMED!

Newsletter 14

Thursday 31st March

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Bringing an important term to a close… and being ready for another one!

It was pleasing to be able to share some really positive feedback from our county review in the last newsletter. To ensure we improve further, we are committed to completing any required actions swiftly so that the children continue to make great progress and enjoy their schooling even more…

As part of our monitoring activities, a number of year groups have also been completing moderation activities where books and standards are shared across different schools- it is super to see our teachers return with an additional spring in their step. There is a great deal of evidence that the children of Tudor get a great deal in their school and being able to experience an inspiring and balanced curriculum is part of this. When the children (of all ages) talk about their school and what Tudor means to them, I must say it is more powerful (and rewarding) than any other form of evidence. To make sure we truly understand their views, we completed a detailed study and I am sure you would like to see the results.

So what do the children think about THEIR school?

An extensive pupil voice survey was completed last week and the results are available on the website. Key Ofsted criteria was used as well as key expectations on what we want to deliver at Tudor. EVERY child was able to give their views and the outcomes will be used to help shape future change in their school. Whilst they gave feedback about key questions such as ‘Do I feel valued at Tudor’ and/ or ‘Do I feel safe?’ and so on, they were also able to write (in their own words) what they felt was the BEST thing about Tudor. The word cloud that was generated from their views can be seen here.

You can also view the word cloud that highlights the ‘changes’ they would like to see. Longer lunch breaks, some different sports clubs, more computers were some of the ideas mentioned- we pledge to listen- AND RESPOND! Follow this link to find out those results…

The support for our additional learning interventions has been great and it demonstrates how supportive the school community is. Our reading drive remains popular and attendance at the range of revision clubs means that the children are enabled to progress more rapidly. When children are not in school, a (shared) enjoyment of reading will make a huge positive impact on your children’s schooling. Commitment to this not only helps build your children’s imagination and understanding, it develops and expands their vocabulary.

Setting a (SUCCESSFUL!) sporting standard- Mr Higgins continues to ensure our children get a strong experience of sport and activity. As well as playing fairly and with the right spirit, our teams continue to perform fantastically well in competition. We should all feel proud for how Tudor is regarded in this important area of school experience. We were all delighted this week to hear that Tudor won the year 5/6 inter –school football tournament against a (large) number of local schools whilst the year 3/4 team came second after losing a close game in the final. Well done to all those who represented their school!

Inclusion at Tudor Primary- a message from Miss Reading- our Leader for Inclusion:

It was wonderful that some of you were able to attend our most recent 'Tudor Coffee Morning' where Christina Philipps, our Family Support Worker, was able to answer questions and offer advice on various family issues. If you were unable to attend this coffee morning and would like to discuss any concerns you may have regarding your child's wellbeing or would like some advice regarding any family related issue, please do email me at: and I will ensure you are booked on to our next monthly 'Family Support Worker Telephone Surgery'. Dacorum Family Services are also offering 30-minute sessions with their SEND Family School Workers to answer questions and to offer support and signposting for parents/carers of children with additional needs. To book, please visit For further information regarding support available to families at Tudor, please do look at the SEND/Family Links section of the school website. If you do not find what you are looking for, please do not hesitate to contact me. Have a fantastic Easter and I look forward to seeing you all in the summer term!

School Meals- For the first time in a long period we are increasing the price of school meals. They will be £2.80 from the start of the summer term for children in key stage 2 (unless in receipt of free school meals). We have a super catering team at Tudor and I would encourage as many families as possible to consider the school lunch option. For the latest lunch menu choices go to-

Patience- our VALUE for the month of April is PATIENCE. More information is on our school website via this link. Each month we have a focus on a different thing to consider and we look for how children are able to recognise (and then model) the behaviours we want to see. They NEVER disappoint!

Friday Freewheeling! Our popular Friday event will return on Friday April 22nd. The summer club information will be shared at the start of next term. Clubs (other than Freewheel Friday) will start the wc 3rd May. In the meantime, please make sure all bikes are ready for action and INVEST in suitable safety gear for the children. Children should wear helmets.

Family feedback on flu vaccinations- Following on from the flu season, the school health team would really appreciate feedback on what they can do to improve future family help. Please follow the link to give your views:

Year 2 and year 5 had fun at Aldenham Country Park and Whipsnade Zoo respectively recently and years 3 and year 4 have been adoring their weekly Mini Police sessions with Herts Constabulary. As you know we continue to heavily subsidise such opportunities and we will always consider the impact of any additional financial pressures on families.

Talking of financial decisions, it is during this part of the year where budget setting activities take place and being ABLE to fund and deliver a school that we all want is becoming harder and harder. Increased costs as well as increasing demands on providing the correct level of education mean our capacity is stretched more than ever. Providing the highest level of care at Tudor must remain our number one priority. A key part of #TeamTudor is how we are stronger TOGETHER.

Just like with these year 4 girls making their first spring daisy chains, the more we can work in true partnership, the more likely it is that we can succeed as a school and as a community.

Don’t forget school closes at 2pm on the last day. We have a fun last day planned first though!  

UPDATE- Follow this link for the Spring 2022 WINNERS of the Tudor Headteacher Award      

Enjoy the holidays…

Mr Weightman      #TeamTudor