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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Lots to FIND out- DON'T forget to book your parent consultation meeting! 

Thursday 27th January

Newsletter 10

Dear Parents/Carers,

It is quite hard to believe that we are approaching the half way point of the year. We are well into the spring term and the children are responding well in class and demonstrating the impact of the skills that they have built in the first term. There is lots going on and this has included activities ranging from new forest school provision in reception and well-being mental health workshops (for children and families) to cycling proficiency courses in year 6.

We look forward to lots of positive stories in the mid-year reports that will be given to you in our February consultations. Booking information is shared later in this newsletter.

As shared in the national media, rules and guidance on COVID measures are being relaxed. For example, face coverings are no longer legally required in England, after the relaxation of Plan B rules. Throughout the pandemic, I believe we have worked extremely well in partnership and I am truly thankful that the school community has recognised this. We have been mindful to be as welcoming as possible whilst ensuring all of our children and families felt safe and confident to send their children to school. We were one of the first schools nationally to fully reopen and the percentage of children who accessed in-school provision during the national lockdowns was high- not forgetting the interactive and high quality tuition children received with home learning. In the immediate future, we still encourage the wearing of face masks when you enter the school site. Even though our level of COVID infection remains low, many schools are still experiencing major outbreaks and, as I am sure you would all agree, ALL children need to be in school as much as possible- speaking of being IN school…

Attending well and arriving on time- are YOU teaching your children the RIGHT things?

As we would all agree, positive attendance of children in school is a duty of parents to deliver and the vast majority of parents do support their children in this key part of childhood. Do remember that the school doors open at 8.45am- the extra 10 minutes of learning activities EVERY day add up and I would encourage all parents to take advantage of these opportunities. If you do find yourself arriving late most days (after 8.55am), please adjust your morning routines to support your child’s development and progress. Remember that you will always be your children’s most important teacher and it is your duty to give the right message. Please also consider how your child FEELS when they walk into their classroom late- it is not a comfortable experience and some of our children feel that way EVERY day through NO fault of their own.

Tudor being a school of CHOICE… for ALL ages!

Once again, the school is thrilled with the number of families who have selected Tudor Primary as a school that they want to send their children to. It is not an exaggeration to say that we could fill our reception classes multiple times over and it is also pleasing to see families from across Hemel Hempstead are choosing Tudor as their FIRST choice! By offering personalised tours to families we can share how ASPIRATIONAL we are for all our pupils and there is no better selling point that showing how engaged the children are during ANY point of the school day. It is certainly disappointing to say goodbye when families leave us to move out of the area but such spaces are soon snapped up as part of our lengthy waiting lists. A recent example is Freddie who is enjoying life with his new friends in year 1…

Inclusion at Tudor Primary- a message from Miss Reading- our Leader for Inclusion:

For more information about 'The Hertfordshire Local Offer', which provides parents and young people with information about what special educational needs and disabilities services are available in Hertfordshire, please click on the following link: Last term, Jennifer Wood (PSHE Lead) and I facilitated a 'Zones of Regulation' year 3 parent information session. Following positive feedback from parents that attended this session, I have decided to repeat this session, for all parents and carers of pupils at Tudor. The 'Zones of Regulation' programme is a self-regulation tool to help children identify, address, and use strategies to achieve self-control and emotional regulation. At Tudor, year 3 receive the full programme, the younger year groups have some of the language and vocabulary introduced and in year 4 and 5 the programme is reinforced.   Your child will benefit from your support as they develop the skills that they will be able to use throughout their life - if you would like to attend this online session, please email me at: Finally, don't forget we have our 'Tudor Coffee Morning' this Friday at 9am - all parents/carers are welcome.  

Sporting memories- there’s so much to life at Tudor…

It is fantastic to be able to report on a (completed) sporting fixture. Whilst we have had a number of sporting festivals and activities taking place in the last year, we have all been frustrated at the number of times that fixtures against other schools have been unable to go ahead. The 5-4 win against St Pauls Primary School was exciting for all and I am sure that Joshua will remember his last minute winner forever!

Well done to all those who took part and represented their school. Be assured that Mr Higgins is determined for the children to be involved in as many games like this as possible and #TudorFC will be on the pitch again soon. Speaking of activity, Mr Higgins gave a presentation to the governing board this week on the provision of sport and activity at Tudor. Simply put, in the last few years we have gone from a (very) inactive setting to one in which all children are able to benefit from the positive impact that sport and activity provides. Whether it is on the playground, the field, the classroom or even the ski slopes, the children of Tudor certainly get a GREAT deal…

Speaking of sport and activity- After school clubs are well underway now and should be paid for in full by the 11th February using the School Gateway app or website or in cash at the office.

Energy-Kidz- fun and engaging after school care:

It is great to see that the after school capacity for Energy-Kidz has been increased again. If you need high quality after school provision (until 6pm!) for your child, then do be confident to use the talents of the Energy-Kidz team. The children always look engaged and there is lots of fun to be had!

Parents Evening bookings now OPEN- these are the options you can use:

Tuesday 8th February- 3.30-7pm-Reception to Year 6 IN school (face to face)

Wednesday 9th February- 12-2.30pm- Nursery IN school (face to face)

Thursday 10th February- 3.30-7pm-ALL year groups ONLINE (using video calls)

Please contact the office team if you need help logging in to the system to book.  Links are- or

For ANY reason, we continue to pledge that we remain accessible to you. Our ‘open door’ policy as well as (layered) support from phase leaders and school leadership ensures that we work proactively WITH you.

If you would like to work even more closely with the school (and for the BEST children around), our next FOT (Friends of Tudor) meeting is on Thursday 3rd February at 7pm in the school staff room.

Mr Weightman
