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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Stay informed with all things #TeamTudor

Newsletter 5

Thursday 4th November 2021

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Some of the additional COVID measures are required once again

As you have already been informed via county correspondence, some of the additional measures for protection against the spread of Covid have been reintroduced in schools. We remain very fortunate that our site is open and spacious with good access but we appreciate your support in helping keep our community safe. To quote the guidance, ‘by acting quickly ahead of winter we can help reduce the spread of the virus and protect each other and the most vulnerable members of our communities.’

We will be limiting (or pausing) some of our whole school activities and we have also been asked to re-introduce a number of measures in and around the school site. These measures may also be updated and extended in the next period following further instruction from county so please do work with the school in meeting these expectations. Whilst mask wearing is not mandatory, we politely request that parents wear masks when on the school site and you limit meeting in groups in and around school. As well as ‘putting the brakes on Freewheel Fridays’ until further notice, the ‘face to face year 2 reading drive will also need to be postponed in this next period. We will ensure something else can replace this VITAL reading support as the children have already experienced so much disruption. Year 2 (for example) are yet to experience a full school year!

This would also be the start of a period in which arrangements are put in place about whole school festive events and we have to recognise that it is unlikely that we will be able to offer the range of experiences for families that we want to at Tudor. Be assured that alternative options are already being discussed that will enable our community to still enjoy this period. It is not just simply about a date for a show or performance, it is that children will not be able to come together and rehearse. We trust that the parent community recognise that we will try to do as much as we can and our actions over the last 18 months (and more) evidence that we will do our best for you all.

You may also be aware that there was a number of confirmed cases (children and adults) following the year 6 residential. Until now, our school has been rather ‘protected’ from such increased cases but this just goes to show how we need to remain vigilant. The school leadership is keen to ensure the right balance of approach and we want all children to enjoy a full access to education in what continues to be a very important period for them.

I am confident that the children will look back on their amazing week away with pride. Such challenge and outdoor learning is so important and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is one of the most important weeks for their development. To see how they responded to situations that they have never faced before was so rewarding. As the (many) photos on our twitter timeline evidenced, we have an awesome cohort of children in year 6- on countless occasions they surprised themselves to achieve things beyond their expectation. The staff who attended really appreciated the positive feedback from the families too. What an inspirational week it was- the memories will last a lifetime.

Being the best we can be- and setting a HIGH STANDARD…

We are delivering a number of monitoring and evaluation activities for the staff team at present. We have an ongoing commitment to developing and improving our teaching team and they are keen to do the best for your children- after all, we never stop learning! Areas of focus include how we provide high quality feedback and how adults are able to recognise and meet the individual needs of children will mean that we will continue to put the children at the centre of all that we do. We remain proud of our recruitment (and retention!) of staff at Tudor and I am delighted with the interest in positions here. A big welcome to Mrs Claridge and Mrs Barry who were recently successful in interview and will be providing further adult capacity in school- our ongoing response to the school closures alongside an effective catch up program will be in place for a sustained period yet. We ALL have a duty to ensure the children are enabled to get ‘back on track!’    

I am very proud when I am sharing the effectiveness of Tudor with parents (and visitors) when on school tours. Without exception, all visitors comment on the supportive atmosphere as well as the behaviour and engagement of the children. Interest in our school is at a very high level- we are experiencing a high volume of school viewings and it is apparent that a number of our prospective parents have had Tudor recommended to them. Thanks for your ongoing support- do remember that if there is ANYTHING that you want to discuss, we remain accessible to you. Do beware of Whatsapp when seeking ‘guidance’, it’s not always the most reliable source of information…       

Inclusion at Tudor Primary- a message from Miss Reading- our Leader for Inclusion

Please look at the school website where you will find a new tab 'Well-being'. Here you will find information about how we support the emotional well-being of pupils at Tudor. If you look at the SEND/Family links section of the website, you will see that I have recently added a wealth of information about parent courses/support being offered by 'Delivering Specialist Provision Locally'.  Support includes 'SEND Surgeries' and 'ADD-vance Mini Consultations', these are very popular, therefore, if you feel your family would benefit, please do book early. Finally, don't forget 'Tudor's Coffee Morning' is tomorrow at 9am - I hope to see you there! 

Parent Consultations- it was super to see how families supported our first consultations of the academic year. We hope that you valued the meeting- the partnership we have is our BIGGEST strength. Please ensure that your child can BENEFIT from good ATTENDANCE (and punctuality). The educational and social outcomes of persistent absentee children ARE affected by the inconsistent and disjointed experience of schooling. Don’t let this be YOUR child- they have a RIGHT to be here.

It’s a shame that the FOT Fireworks Spectacular on Friday 5th November has been cancelled- please be assured that there will be a return of our awesome events in the future. We will also inform you when whole school activities like Freewheel Fridays can start again.

Poppy Appeal- Poppies (and some other items for remembrance) are able available in the school office. Suggested donations are in place for these.

Flu vaccinations will go ahead on Monday 8th Nov for those who have signed up.


I am very aware that there are some disappointing messages within this newsletter- none of us are keen to restrict opportunities that we want children to experience. Do be assured that #TeamTudor will continue to try and make each and EVERY day rewarding.

Just before half term the children were able to enjoy a surprise theatre visit and we had a return visit from the ice cream van- such regular ‘additions’ are part of what Tudor is all about and the team is determined for Tudor to be the school that gives the BEST experience of primary education.

There is little doubt that these winter months will be challenging but let’s all work together to make sure the children get a GREAT deal.

Mr Weightman           
