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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Making sure we focus on the RIGHT things!

Newsletter 2

Thursday 16th September 2021

Dear Parents/ Carers,

The days are certainly flying by and the children have already completed two weeks in their new classes. Our approaches have returned to ‘normal’ and the children are able to experience the full school site as well as enjoy being able to join the full school community in assemblies, in the lunch halls and at break. They really are having fun- #TeamTudor is truly BACK!

Our continued focus on LEARNING…

It never ceases to amaze me how creative the teachers at Tudor are and their ideas are really inspiring the children. As I have shared on our twitter page, some of the approaches are really awesome- check out this mapping work in year 2 on using photographic imagery to create their own maps:

Part of our current staff training is about focusing clearly on the intended learning so that children are able to speak confidently about what they are doing. This is an important part of monitoring the effectiveness of our teaching- in the past children may have said ‘I’m learning to write a story’- now we are aiming for them to say, ‘I’m learning how to describe settings… I’m using my senses to help the reader understand what it’s like to be there.’ Children being fully part of the learning process is so important and I think it is useful to share how we are adapting our approaches at Tudor- learning, after all, is a ‘2 way street’. Teachers work hard to plan and lead learning experiences and we must endeavor for children to feel FULLY part of the lesson. Our other KEY aims for the school remain that teaching and progress for children in all classes is at least good and that ALL children are enabled to be successful. As I shared with the parents at this week’s introductory meeting for reception parents, I pledge that Tudor is a true community school.

Making the right decisions (and influencing children in a positive way!)

As shared on our twitter page, I spoke to the children in assembly about getting to (and home from) school safely this week. There have been some worrying reports of parents taking their children across the dual carriageway on St Albans Road. Even though we recognise our vital role in learning, there is no bigger teacher (or influencer) on children than their parents. Please do model safe behaviours- children are like sponges and, whilst you may be looking to save a few seconds or minutes, the children are not getting the correct messages. Can we also take his opportunity to ask parents to NOT park in front of our blue gates (even if they are closed)- we do require access to these and paths need to be clear for pedestrians. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Inclusion at Tudor Primary- a message from Miss Reading- our Leader for Inclusion

I have uploaded the delivering special provision locally newsletter on to the SEND/Family links section of the website- this contains information regarding support and courses available to parents/carers including workshops focusing on supporting your child with anxiety, building resilience and responding to anger. You will also find a list of telephone numbers for organisations that can offer you and your family support if required e.g. Educational Psychologists, Autism Helpline and Hertfordshire Mind. You can also contact me via email at if you feel your child/family require any additional support and advice. Finally, please make sure you put the date of Tudor's first Coffee Morning of this academic year in your diary, 9am on 24th September, I hope to see you there!

Tudor- A school of positive ‘behaviour for learning’…

The overall standard of behaviour at Tudor remains a strength of the school. Whilst in my previous leadership position I was tasked with transforming a difficult situation, Tudor children are simply the happiest, friendliest children around! However, this does not mean that we do not have situations that require monitoring and the staff team will always endeavour to ensure children act positively alongside each other.

On school tours I am often asked how the school responds to difficult behaviour and/ or bullying and I thought it would useful to share some key messages as part of this newsletter. We are a school of over 430 children who are all different in their own ways. They are all likely to experience a mix of joy, disappointment, frustration and excitement each and every day and it is their responses (and learning!) from these experiences that will help mould them (and their character). Therefore, situations can happen at different times that worry them- this a natural part of life.

Bullying, though, must NOT be an accepted part of any school. So when would the term ‘bullying’ be appropriate? A simple acronym for understanding if a bullying situation is happening is STOP- this stands for Several Times On Purpose. Tudor has a pro-active policy for the management of behaviour and children are also guided on using a number of self-help tools too such as the ‘3 steps’. Importantly, all staff remain readily available to support your child (and your family) and we have robust systems in place to record any concerns. These help maintain the HIGH standard of behaviour and mutual respect that we can all benefit from and thrive in. Check  out our policy:

Friends of Tudor- On Tuesday 21st September our fantastic FOT group (The Tudor PTA!) will be meeting at the school. This will be the first time that they have been able to meet for quite a long time and they would love to see as many of you as possible join them at 7pm in the school staff room. They will be planning an awesome series of events to help support the school. An early date for your diary is our Fireworks Spectacular on Friday 5th November.

School Dinners- Dinners remain at £2.60 per meal for the Autumn term for children in years 3,4,5 and 6.  Please remember that meals must be paid for in advance – whether that’s daily, weekly or monthly.  You can even load up for the full half term which is £96.20 or the full term for £189.80. Year 3 parents are (gently) reminded that their children do not receive free school meals now that they have reached Key Stage 2.  When a child reaches year 3 they no longer receive ‘universal free school meals’. If you believe that you may/ should still qualify for these, do contact the office as we are able to check on your behalf.  You child may be able to receive significant additional funding which can be used in a range of ways to support your child (and your family).

Tudor pupils in the local press- Did you hear about one of our pupils and her sunflowers? Isabella’s story made it into the local press- follow this link to read more!

It won’t be long until parents are able to return to class assemblies. Make sure you look at the calendar on our school website to find out when it will be your child’s assembly date. First ‘on stage’ is 6Y on Thursday 30th September. 4V follow on the 7th October.

School tours are commonplace at the moment and interest in places at Tudor Primary remains high- some year groups have long waiting lists! Speaking of visitors, we will be sharing the success of our school with Sir Mike Penning (your MP) who is coming in on the 27th

Mr Weightman               #TeamTudor