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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Starting the year off in the RIGHT way!

Newsletter 1

Friday 3rd September 2021

Dear Parents/ Carers,

I wrote an update on our school website yesterday and I trust it was able to share the positivity that was evident in and around school on the first day back. It was not just the fact that the children returned with beaming smiles and the excitement that they showed when seeing all their friends again as they settled back in class- it was how they were able to truly be a school community once again. Children were able to spend time with children from different year groups and they were able to experience those ‘normal school situations’ that they have not been able to for the last 18 months. Something as simple as a whole school assembly was a joy to be part of and they all walked into the hall and behaved so wonderfully- they did not need any reminders- they just knew what was expected of them. Our Tudor children just do NOT disappoint. Talking about assemblies, we are looking forward to welcoming parents back into school for our class presentations- check the website for when your children will be sharing their work.

Over the next few weeks, lining up for lunch and being able to use the hall and dining spaces as well as run in any (!) direction on the sports field will certainly help develop that sense of normality that we are seeking.

Back to normality…

In respect of getting in and out of school, we did consider keeping the one-way system. Whilst I do understand that some areas can get congested when we only use the foot paths, the use of the road ways for pedestrians is not something that can continue. To ensure more effective entry and exit, do try using the top gate (further up Redwood Drive) as this is less busy. Also, do consider enabling children in years 4,5 and 6 to enter/ exit the school site independently as this will help the situation too. There are a number of routes to avoid the ‘pinch point’ at the front of school. 

Knowing what is in store

As well as the Early Years area being ready for some awesome work with a dinosaur theme, the classes in key stage 1 and 2 have all been prepared with the new themes of learning which are:

Y 1/2- Homes Under the Hammer

Y 3/4- Buried Treasure

Y 5/6- Raiders and Traders

We are very proud of the curriculum that we have at Tudor. The children certainly enjoy becoming immersed in a theme over a term and it helps them connect their learning and knowledge across a range of subjects. To find out more about your child’s school experience, there will be online presentations created for each year group about the organization of the learning as well as other class or year group specific information. We hope to have these ready by early next week.

It was super to see the children looking so smart on the first day back- the expectation of full school uniform with (all) black shoes remains in place and it really does help the children show pride in their school. Active shoes/ trainers are allowed as long as they are ALL black (including soles/ labels/ laces).  Don’t forget children should always have a PE kit in school too- not just on PE days.

Inclusion at Tudor Primary- a message from Miss Reading- our Leader for Inclusion

Please look at the SEND/Family support links section of the website where you will find a wealth of information about support available for children, parents, and carers available in school and in the local area. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page there are details of current parent support networks, Dacorum family support services, as well as parent workshops and training.  Here you will also find the school's information report which provides information on how the school supports children with special educational needs. If you can't find what you are looking for, please phone the school office and ask to speak to me or email me at: I will be hosting the first 'Tudor Coffee Morning' of this academic year on Friday 24th September at 9am, this will be an opportunity for you to see some friendly faces, have a cup of coffee and an informal chat, it would be great to see you!  

Expectations of Attendance (and please make sure your child is on time too)

Attendance at Tudor for the vast majority of our families is a real strength and the improved overall performance of the school here is even more impressive considering the events of the last 18 months. Use of FPNs (Fixed Penalty Notices) is in place at school and these can be used if a child exceeds 15 unauthorised sessions in a 2 term period. For more information, follow the website link:

We open the doors each day at 8.45am- learning activities are ready from this point so do try to ensure your children are able to take advantage of this time in class- it all adds up!

New clubs for the Autumn term- before and after school- Keep an eye out for letters for the clubs that will be taking place this term. We will continue to offer a range of fun clubs at subsidised prices. If you receive financial support, the costs of these clubs are subsidised further- do come and see the office if you are unsure whether you are eligible for PPG support. Make sure any requests for spaces at clubs are returned on time.

School Dinners- these MUST be paid for in advance- The start of the year is a perfect time to remind parents about the use of school gateway app for online payments. We hope that as many parents (new or those who have been here longer!) as possible take advantage of this effective and efficient way to make school related payments. The office team would really appreciate it if more families use this safe and secure method.

School dinners remain at £2.60 per meal for the Autumn term for children in years 3,4,5 and 6.  Please remember that meals must be paid for in advance – whether that’s daily, weekly or monthly.  You can even load up for the full half term which is £96.20 or the full term for £189.80. Year 3 parents are (gently) reminded that their children do not receive free school meals now that they have reached Key Stage 2. 

Year 3 parents (and others including new families!)- Make sure you receive your FULL funding- As the above highlights, when a child reaches year 3 they no longer receive ‘universal free school meals’. If you believe that you may/ should still qualify for these, do contact the office as we are able to check on your behalf.  You child may be able to receive significant additional funding which can be used in a range of ways to support your child (and your family).

Whilst there has been a ‘relaxation’ of measures regarding social distancing (and so on), do be assured that we continue to ensure that appropriate guidelines are being followed and staff continue to take lateral flow tests twice a week. In respect of keeping each other safe, it’s super to see that we have managed to get our school safety markings repainted outside of our school. Please DO NOT park on these or use them as a ‘drop-off area’- whilst the previous set had become rather faded, there is no excuse for not being able to see these ones!

Mr Weightman
