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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

It really has been an EXTRA SPECIAL day...

The first day of any new school year is important but there is little doubt that today felt even more special. As well as seeing all our young Tudorites return, we had a number of extra events taking place in school.

The Early Years' taster days proved popular and our Reception and Nursery rooms were full of excited children (and families) experiencing what life can be like inside our school. From years 1-6, the children were seeing all their classmates again after the holiday period- they all looked so smart in their uniforms and shiny black shoes- let's show how PROUD we are to be part of this school. 

I must say that it was wonderful for the children to have their first (inside) assembly of the year. What (obviously) made this extra special was that it was the first time the classes were able to experience such a school event for 18 months. In true Tudor style, they walked in superbly and demonstrated their fantastic 'Tudor Standard' of behaviour- not a single reminder was needed as they walked into the hall together for the first time since March of last year.  

Children are rapidly getting used to life without bubbles and it's funny to see how they were a little unsure at times:

'Can we ALL play on the Tudor Towers?... What... REALLY... any year group?... YES... BEST DAY EVER!'

We should all feel very proud of the school community we have and to see our young learners being so happy to be alongside each other was truly a joy to see- breaktimes were fun and they were soon involved with each other and playing with a range of new equipment that on offer.

In respect of new changes and improvements, we continue to invest in your children's school- in addition to new teaching and learning resources, a number of classrooms have had new carpeting, some rooms and corridors have been repainted and our roofing in KS2 has also been improved. A number of you have even commented on how the traffic management lines outside of the school have also been repainted. The school really does look great- INSIDE AND OUT.

As I will continue to say (and demand), the children of Tudor deserve the BEST and we must all remain committed to giving them the highest standards. 

I will share more information with you tomorrow in our first newsletter of the year. Please do use the website for finding out the key information about school. We remain proud of our (range of) communication methods and all at TeamTudor endeavour to work alongside you to ensure your children have the most amazing experience of school.

Mr Weightman and #TeamTudor