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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Your child will also receive a paper copy this week- important dates to know!

Newsletter 22

Wednesday 14th July 2021

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Every year is different in school but the academic year of 2020/2021 will certainly take some beating. We have all had to face some new (and often bizarre!) challenges but I do think we should all look back with a lot of pride at how we have all responded. I truly believe that the children of Tudor have had a ‘super deal’ his year and they have still been able to enjoy the fun and rewarding activities that each year in primary education should bring. A key strength of Tudor is the partnership we have with the parent community and we are incredibly thankful at how supportive the community has been. From supporting (and not challenging!) our approach to COVID measures and working WITH the school as part of our ongoing catch up curriculum (with additional interventions!) to help your children your input really does make a positive difference. Be assured we will continue to invest in your children next academic year (and beyond) because they really have had a disjointed school experience in these last 18 months! We won’t slow down…

We are determined to keep giving our all until the end of term. Still so much to pack in! Children are still learning lots.


The end of the summer term is always very busy but it is certainly rewarding. The children in year 1 and year 2 enjoyed a wonderful Garden Tea Party on Monday and Lady Cosby of Tudorland made a surprise visit to see the children in her kingdom.

As well as ‘Meet your new teacher’ opportunities, we have the nursery sports day on Thursday and this will happen at the same time as our Rock Steady Concert AND a visit from a county advisor. Reception sports day is on Friday and then we still have an awesome two days NEXT week with our sports day for years 1-6 on Monday (the weather forecast looks perfect!) and a (further) special treat is lined up for the final day of term which is next Tuesday (20th July). Oh yes- and we have a special Year 6 Leavers’ Presentation to parents as well as the Year 6 Leavers’ party on the same evening(!)- like I said, busy, busy, busy!  

We remain very proud of the lines of communication we have but PLEASE be ensure you use our website as a key source of information. As I write this newsletter, the school office has received a number of phone calls regarding when the sports days will be taking place and/ or when the final day of term is- ALL of this information (and LOTS more) is on our website- and don’t forget we use twitter too to help signpost our parent community to the correct information. To CONFIRM:

Thursday 15th- Nursery Sports Day- 9.30-10.30 (Field accessible from 9.15am)

Thursday 15th- Rock Steady Parent Assembly- 9.30-10.15 (Hall accessible from 9.15am)

Friday 16th- Reception Sports Day- 9.30-10.30 (Field accessible from 9.15am)

Monday 19th- Year 1/2 Sports Day- 9.30-10.30 (Field accessible from 9.15am)

Monday 19th- Year 3/4 Sports Day- 11.00-12.00 (Field accessible from 10.45am)

Monday 19th- Year 5/6 Sports Day- 1.45-2.45 (Field accessible from 1.30pm)

Monday 19th- Y6 Leavers’ Presentation- 5.45-6.30 (Chn. arrive at 5.15, parents in hall from 5.30)

Monday 19th- Year 6 Leavers’ Party- 7.00-9.00

Tuesday 20th- End of term celebrations during day- CHILDREN TO LEAVE SCHOOL AT 2PM.

Only 2 parents per family for sports days- PLEASE SUPPORT us in making these events a success.


INCLUSION at Tudor- a message from Miss Reading, our Inclusion Lead

Please look at the SEND/Family Support Links section of our school website, where you will find the latest DSPL8 parent and carer newsletter. This newsletter provides details of a range of courses and support groups that are available to book now for during the summer holidays and the autumn term. Course and groups include building self-esteem, managing anger, sleeping well, and supporting your child with additional needs. If you feel your family require additional support 'Families First' is the name for early help in Hertfordshire. It is a way of getting extra support for your family to help you manage problems early on, for more information visit: I hope you all have a wonderful summer break and I look forward to seeing you all again in September!

PLEASE make sure you are up to date with school payments

From subsidising ALL trips and experiences to fully funding many of the extra ‘delights’ that being a pupil at Tudor provides, our budget is a key driver in our provision. Therefore, please ensure that any unpaid dinner money balances, etc are paid off as soon as possible. Any losses that the school incurs comes off our own budget and this will impact our potential for the future.

BE READY for a(nother) awesome year of Tudor Primary School

Please make sure your child’s uniform is truly back to Tudor standards for September. Shoes must be completely black. Whilst 'active' shoes/ trainers can be worn they must not have any coloured logos/ laces/ soles. Small buckles on leather shoes/ boots (not taller than ankle height) are allowed. For full info follow this link:

All at Tudor wish the school community and safe and happy time during the holiday period. There will be more upgrades to the school building in the summer and we continue to invest in some awesome new learning resources (and technology) too.

Most importantly, Education truly remains life changing!  Like our academic outcomes, the attendance results are improving. They ARE a strong indicator of child achievement and parents that have made a ‘renewed commitment’ to getting their children to school EVERY day have seen the huge difference it can make. All of us have seen holiday plans change and/ or been taken away but this should not simply mean that children miss more school in a subsequent period. I sincerely hope that all parents make the decision to put their children’s academic/ social progress ahead of any ‘tempting’ holiday in the new year. Be ready for Thurs Sept 2nd at 8.45am!

My last words in this newsletter should focus on those children who are off to their new schools. Our year 6 have not been able to enjoy those extra ‘treats’ that year 6 offers like sitting on the benches at the back of the hall and/ or being given those extra ‘jobs and responsibilities’. However, we have been determined to still give them a year to remember (for the right reasons!) and I am sure they will look back fondly on their time at the ‘top of the school’. They have been terrific Tudorites, phenomenal friends, super skiers, awesome adventurers and more. I am immensely proud to be their headteacher and (as I have shared with them) their new schools are very fortunate to have them.

Go for it Year 6- you can be ANYTHING you want to be!

Mr Weightman #TeamTudor