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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Changes to dates/ events at Tudor as well as other important news items

Newsletter 20

Thursday 16th June 2021

Dear Parents/ Carers,

What an awesome time the children have been having! In this week alone, there have been wonderful trips to Windsor (and YES the children DID see the Queen!) as well as the start of skiing lessons in year 6. The work in class is impressive and the children are showing how well they are progressing. Our range of catch up strategies is clearly having a positive effect and the children continue to grow in confidence.

Responding to (changes in) guidance…

I am sure we will all remember the period of school closures and the academic year of 2020/2021. We have had to respond (and sometimes react) to a number of situations and one of the main challenges has been ensuring that the parent community is fully informed about the approaches in (or out!) of school as well as any changes to policy and practice. As you know, the final stage of the move away from social restrictions has been delayed and this will now affect some of the decisions that have been made for the end of the year. Whilst we could complete activities such as sports day without the presence of parents (or even cancel them completely) we believe that we should try to allow the children to enjoy such occasions as much as they can.  Therefore, we have had to adjust our dates/ timings for the events. For ANY year group, there is a limit of 2 adults per family. Please do follow these guidelines. We are keen for the school to offer these experiences and your cooperation will be appreciated.

Nursery Sports- Thursday 15th July- 9.30am-10.30am     

Reception Sports- Friday 16th July- 9.30am-10.30am


Monday 19th July-    

Y1/ Y2- 9.30am-10.30am    Y3/ Y4- 11am- 12pm          Y5/ Y6- 1.45pm-2.45pm

- There will be a limit of 2 adults per family (per time period)                

- No picnic lunch this year


Parent Consultation evenings will now be taking place online. End of year reports will be shared with you and, after the online meeting, you will receive a paper copy for your own records. Please use SchoolCloud - Tudor Primary School / to book your important meeting. Such interaction is more vital than ever- let’s stay united in our support of the children…

Please make sure use the correct forms of school communication

Year 1 and Year 2 were able to enjoy a fantastic day at Windsor Castle and the teaching team worked hard to make sure the day was memorable. Teachers completed pre-visits (in their own time) and the day was planned effectively. As a school therefore, it is disappointing when members of our parent community prefer to use social media (such as whatsapp) to question the approaches of the school even before a trip has taken place. I am confident in the transparency of our communication systems and it is pleasing to hear how the vast majority of parents remain highly supportive of what we do. Please ensure that if you have any questions/ concerns about anything that we do, you allow the school to respond appropriately rather than just publicising ‘potential issues’ on a social media platform. The fact that 100% of feedback we received post trip was positive is great but all at Tudor ask you to consider the ‘impact’ of unfair negativity. I believe parents recognise that we want the children to benefit from extra experiences- the other option would be to limit offsite visits and I want Tudor to remain a school of OPPORTUNITY.

INCLUSION at Tudor- a message from Miss Reading, our Inclusion Lead

On Monday 28th June at 9.30am, I will be facilitating a coffee morning. This will be an opportunity for all parents/carers of children at Tudor to see some friendly faces, have a chat and perhaps ask any questions you may have regarding your child's transition into a new year group. If you are interested in joining us, please do contact me at Please look at the SEND section of the website as I have recently uploaded the latest DSPL8 newsletter. This newsletter provides information about a range of courses available to parents, facilitated by various organisations. If you have any questions or concerns about your child's education, development or wellbeing you are always able to contact staff at Tudor to discuss this. In addition, the Educational Psychology team offer an advice line which you can call on Wednesdays between 2-4.30pm. If you would like to talk to an educational psychologist or advisory teacher, the advice line number is 01992 588 574.

Attendance- Don’t ‘fall’ for Mondayitus- Whilst attendance is improving, it remains evident that absence on Monday is much higher than any other day of the week. EVERY day IS important but Monday is key because learning content for the week is often introduced on that first day.  Ensure you enable your children to benefit fully from their education. If you would like your child’s attendance data, see the school office, problematic days can be easily identified.

Our Summer Santa Experience- Are you ready for Friday 25th June?

You have already been sent information regarding our Tudor Christmas Summer Day. To ensure your child can enjoy the full range of fun that will be on offer, we invite each child to take part in the Secret Santa Present swap. If they want to join in, wrap up a present and write the year group on the outside. (Maximum value of gift to be £5). Children taking part will then be invited to take a (different!) gift from under our special tree. Bring the present on the day and add it to the gift boxes that will be in each classroom. M&M theatre productions will also be sharing ‘The Wizard of Oz’ and there are class parties, a festive lunch menu and more. The dress code is ‘Santa in the Sun’! We think the children will have a super day!

The SoundBox Music Academy taster day was popular. They will be offering 1:1 drumming lessons in KS2 as well as whole class teaching. Follow this youtube link for more information- Letters can be accessed from the website or the school office. It’s exciting that Rock Steady will also be expanding their provision next academic year so do contact the school if you want your child to join.

From its rather shabby (-chic!) start, our new addition in the playground is really taking shape. This space will be able to be used in a range of ways. Whilst we are a rather large school, we need to be creative in creating those extra spaces that can benefit the children.   

Year 6 only have a few weeks left. What a super group of children they continue to be. They are off on school journey next week and they have also just started their series of ski lessons at Hemel Snow Centre.  Have you seen them in their new hoodies yet? Tudor Primary gifted the children with these and we know that they will treasure them- they look GREAT!

Let’s ALL enjoy the last month of the school year-the more we put in, the more we’ll get out!

Mr Weightman
