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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Do stay informed- SO MUCH FUN is happening in YOUR school...

Newsletter 19

Thursday 27th May 2021

Dear Parents/ Carers,

There has been some super progress made by the children since returning from lockdown. Whilst we have not completed a ‘formal’ week of testing, a number of year groups have completed some assessment activities- we have been thrilled to see the results! What has also been clear is the impact of our range of additional strategies that we have put in place for the children. For example, those children who have truly been committed to attending breakfast learning clubs or additional tutoring have made accelerated progress. There is little doubt that attending those extra learning opportunities does require extra effort (and require getting up a bit earlier) but it is so evident that they DO make a difference. We are so proud of the children at the moment and if you are offered extra provision at Tudor we all FULLY encourage you to take advantage.

As mentioned in our last newsletter, the school experienced a week of monitoring and evaluation last week. The teaching team were able to share standards in books, classroom environments, lesson observations and more. Children were also spoken to about their experience of school and how they are supported. It is so pleasing to hear how warmly the children speak of their school and the relationship that they have with the teaching team in each class. I do use the word team a lot because it really is the adults working together for the young learners. I am confident in saying that few schools are able to offer the level of additional adult capacity for each child that we do at Tudor. School budgets are under a lot of pressure but we are able to benefit from a well- balanced teaching team- the key factor is that all members are truly committed to the education and wellbeing of your children.

To share areas for improvement, it is not surprising that the area of learning that was most adversely affected by the school closures was the writing ability of the children. This is now a high focus in school and we must look to support the children with writing at length as well as using correct structures and ambitious vocabulary. It is a shame that parents are unable to visit school at the moment because rooms are full of thematic (and creative) writing pieces. Do try to encourage children to write at home whenever they can too- aim to replace some screen time with real paper and I am sure you will be impressed with what they can achieve. Rather than texting or email, get them to write a letter to a relative- children DO get excited to receive letters too.

Our young authors in reception are awesome too- I was trying to write some notes the other day in the reception classroom and it was virtually impossible because the children were so keen to share sentences about meeting Mr Buckley the Beekeeper!

Attendance- an update on a key indicator of commitment. Don’t ‘fall’ for Mondayitus…

As I stated in previous newsletters, I never thought we would have to work so hard to ensure the attendance at Tudor is a strength but we really are seeing the rewards- and, IMPORTANTLY(!), more children are benefiting too. If you have not heard anything extra from the school, be assured that you are doing the right things and you will be setting the correct example for your children too- for now and for their future. We are now a school that is above national average for attendance and we really want EVERYONE to be aspirational. One area to look out for is that ‘sneaky’ illness called ‘Mondayitus’- absences on Monday are nearly twice as high as any other day of the week. That first day of learning each week really is vital so don’t let any ‘fictitious symptoms’ get in the way of your child’s progress. Show you are truly #TeamTudor by being ready for each day and being on time- learning activities are available from 8.45am.

One of our ‘new’ teachers will be arriving EARLY- welcome to Mr Stearn!

The children of 3T deserve a special mention. Despite more ‘changes’ in their teaching provision than we would have planned for, they remain a happy and committed bunch. I am delighted to say that they will now benefit from being the first class to be taught (full time) by one of our new teachers for next year. Mr Stearn will be the year 3T classteacher from June 7th and I know that he will be a super addition to our Tudor teaching team. Interest in working at Tudor remains HIGH!

INCLUSION at Tudor- a message from Miss Reading, our Inclusion Lead

Please have a look at the SEND/Family Support Links section of the school website as I have recently uploaded the latest Delivering Special Provision Locally (DSPL) newsletter. This newsletter provides information about courses and support available to children (and their families) with special educational needs and disabilities. On the 16th June, Christina Phillips our Family Support Worker, is offering a telephone surgery to parents and carers of children at Tudor. If you feel you would benefit from discussing any concerns, worries or difficulties you are experiencing with your child(ren) at home, please contact me and I will book you an appointment. If you require any additional information about the courses and support available, please do not hesitate to contact me at:

Half Term Cycle Course- The school will be the venue for a (further) balance and ride cycle course during the half term holiday. The course proved very popular (and enjoyable) in the last holiday period and many of our children learnt how to cycle with confidence and safety. The dates in June are Tuesday 1st and Wednesday 2nd. More information online at:

Little Fawns Pre-School- Do you want to join their team?

We continue to work alongside Little Fawns Pre-School and it is super to hear of their success. They are growing rapidly and the children clearly have an awesome time in their care. They are now looking to recruit new members of their team- follow this link to find out more:

Making EVERY day memorable- getting the balance RIGHT!

The children in Years 5 and 6 were able to enjoy a ‘Greek Day’ this week. As well as enjoying presentations from experts, they LOVED getting dressed up as Athenians, Spartans and other characters from this fascinating period of history.

Well done to all the parents for their efforts in supporting this fun activity- we have such a creative community at Tudor.

Don’t forget that SoundBox Music Academy will be offering 1:1 drumming lessons in KS2 as well as whole class teaching. Follow this youtube link for more information- Letters can be accessed from the website or the school office. The ‘taster day’ will be on Friday 11th June. Rock Steady will also be expanding their provision next academic year so do contact the school if you want your child to join in with such ‘extras’. 

Football Fixtures are now taking place and we have seen some high quality games already including a 3-3 draw against Lime Walk and a 6-4 win against St. Mary’s. Whilst national restrictions are scheduled to relax on June 21st, be assured that Tudor will continue to deliver an appropriate response to ensure that school is a safe place to progress and FLOURISH.

Thank you for the overwhelming support the school receives- it really makes a difference. Anyway, I need to go because it looks like some bugs and insects are trying to crawl through the window into my office…EEK!

Mr Weightman
