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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Lots of EXCITING news to share...

Newsletter 13- Remote Edition No.5

Wednesday 24th February 2021

Dear Parents/ Carers,

As well as being incredibly hopeful that this will be the final EVER remote learning edition of our school newsletter, I am delighted that the return of all of our children is now possible and we look forward to seeing them all on Monday 8th March. It was just under a year ago when school restrictions were first put in place and whilst all at #TeamTudor are proud of our efforts over this period to engage all our learners, we do prefer it when we can teach in the classroom!

March 8th onwards…

As I write this newsletter I predict that further updates will be released from the county (or the government!), but our plan is to revert to our successful systems that were in place during the Autumn term.  This will mean that all children will be in their own classes but with additional measures that restrict interaction between different year groups/ phases including some staggered breaktimes as well as separate dining areas to ensure that ‘bubbles’ remain in place. Evidence strongly suggested that such measures have been effective and well implemented at Tudor as we have not have any enforced closures (of any sort) so far. All members of the staff team continue to be tested twice a week as the safety and wellbeing of all remains a top priority.

There is little doubt that whilst we can feel more positive about the potential of a return to more normality, a LOT of hard work from us all still lies ahead. The impact on the academic (and social) wellbeing of the children is likely to be extensive but we are absolutely determined to continue to offer the highest levels of support to you and your children. We are proud that Tudor was one of the schools that offered the most ‘in- school provision’ and our remote engagement of pupils remains highly interactive. Going forward, children will benefit from high quality tutoring from the Tudor teaching team and we will be offering an extensive range of additional learning opportunities including extra morning provision, booster classes and bespoke 1:1/ small group support as part of our catch up strategy. As mentioned in our most recent newsletter, we are also looking to offer a ‘festival of fun’ including weekly activities to help children reconnect with each other. Wouldn’t it be great to have ‘Wednesday Wheels’ or ‘Friday Bike Club’ where children can be ‘let loose’ on their bikes/ scooters on the site after school?! The ideas are certainly flowing and we are keen to give them a wonderful experience at Tudor. Do keep an eye out for further information about such additional opportunities. The next few months are really vital and we hope all parents recognise the need for children to be able to receive a consistent and fulfilling experience of school. Please do all you can to enable your child to benefit from what Tudor offers.

CCTV/ lighting- we continue to INVEST in the site:

You have already been sent some information by email about the installation of CCTV at Tudor Primary. Cameras are now positioned along the front boundary as well as in the school reception area (see images in picture). If you would like further information, our CCTV policy is available on the website.

We will also be investing in enhanced lighting around the school site- we believe our school already shines but a few more additional lighting effects will make it even better!

INCLUSION at Tudor- a message from Miss Reading, our Inclusion Lead:

After the success of Tudor’s first ever virtual Coffee Morning last month, we will host another on Friday 5th March at 10am. This will be an opportunity for you to see some familiar, friendly faces and perhaps share how you and your family have been managing during recent months. It will also be an opportunity for you to ask me any questions you may have about your child’s return to school. If you would like to attend please contact me at: or via the school office and I will send you the link. If you have any questions, concerns or worries about your child’s education, well-being or return to school do contact me. Stay safe and well. 

A message from Little Fawns- We have had a brilliant first week open! It’s been so nice to welcome all the new children and families to our Preschool. Everyone is settling in really well and having lots of fun exploring our brand new Preschool environment, the resources and activities on offer.

To find out more about the Preschool or to enquire about spaces please get in touch directly at / 07786 167417.

‘Tudor Nursery News’ (including applications)- For our future Tudorites, the deadline for nursery applications is Friday 12th March at 9am.

Follow this link- Tudor Primary School - Pupil Admissions

Mrs Buckley has recently joined our EYFS team and will be teaching in Nursery. She has made a super start and, by working closely with Miss Pike, our youngest learners are sure to flourish!  

Friends of Tudor Appeal for Hemel Vaccine Volunteers

Tudor continues to support the local community and we have already exceeded 70% of the target in our appeal.

Many of you have already donated to support the army of volunteers at: Many of the gift packages have already been delivered and they are certainly making a positive difference. Thank you all!

World Book Day at Tudor

On Thursday 4th March, we will be celebrating all things books and reading! Your child can dress up as their favourite book character for the day and all classes will be having a Zoom story and the opportunity to showcase their super outfits to their classmates and teacher. There will also be exciting virtual events throughout the day including a live YouTube event with Tom Fletcher (author of The Christmasaurus) as well as some Team Tudor guest readers

Your £1 book voucher will be shared via email by your child's teacher and this can be used on your phone in supermarkets or bookshops. Finally, keep your eyes peeled for an exclusive video of #TeamTudor's favourite books!

Let’s REALLY look forward to the future… 

The fact that the children of Tudor can look forward to a fun filled summer term is rather exciting but I must remain wary of ‘over-promising’ what we can offer in this next period of time. We want to remain positive though and I truly hope that our children can experience what this time of their lives should offer. A couple of months ago I ‘renegotiated’ our year 6 residential journey to a new date in the summer- we chose Monday 21st June. This appears to be a date that many of us now have at the forefront of our minds! Let’s all do our bit to make sure that we all remain safe (and supported) and we continue to be a true community that works together and in partnership.

In the meantime, we continue to offer highly interactive support online and we expect the children to stay engaged with the remote learning. Let’s keep going for it- they deserve our best!

Mr Weightman                      #TeamTudor