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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Important news and updates at this mid-point of the year...

Newsletter 12 - Remote Learning Edition no 4:

Wednesday 10th February 2021

Dear Parents/ Carers,

This 4th edition of our remote learning newsletter comes at the mid-point of this academic year. We obviously look forward (with hope) to the return of some normality in the second half of the school year but we should still look back with some pride at how we have worked alongside each other. We were thrilled to receive your positive feedback in the recent parent questionnaire and it shows strong support in us from the community- this connection between home and school is not always mirrored in the national media! Feel confident that when I have spoken to the staff about what they want to offer as part of our response to get your children flying again, they are FULLY on board. I trust that you have also recognised how we have refined and further enhanced our remote offer- your input is vital and it helps shape the school that we are proud to represent…

Working WITH parents for YOUR children

I think the sub-heading above remains appropriate for this next section as I would like to thank the VAST majority of parents who are engaging with what is a vital set of parent consultations that are taking place this week. As well as sharing the mid-year report which includes information about your child’s development since September, we are also keen to discuss ideas and strategies to support your child’s progress (academic and social) during the remainder of the year and beyond. If you have not made an appointment, please do so as we believe all children have a right to be represented by their families in regard to their schooling. Let’s work TOGETHER.

We are also formulating some plans for when school reopens and I am determined that Tudor will once again set the highest standards for your children. As well as academic support, we are keen to deliver a substantial programme of activities and opportunities that will help your children flourish and feel fully part of a thriving school family once again. Please keep an eye out for additional online tutoring support as well as a (potential- if restrictions allow!) festival of FREE sporting opportunity to be delivered in the summer. Who’s up for a Friday Bike Club on the school grounds? Let’s be optimistic about the future! it’s more fun than the other option isn’t it!

I trust that our actions as a school evidence our commitment to the young learners in our care and we hope that any additional learning opportunities that are offered to you are accepted. As educational professionals we are keen to do the right thing but it remains frustrating when our offers of help and support to a child are refused and/ or blocked. These are difficult times and evidence tells us that with each passing week, we have to work even harder to inspire and engage the children. #TeamTudor is up for the challenge though and do expect the teaching team to be on hand and ready for action. Children have that one opportunity for an education…

INCLUSION at Tudor- a message from Miss Reading, our Inclusion Lead:

Please take a look at the latest DSPL8 newsletter found on the SEND/family links section of the school website. It contains information about a variety of different courses, workshops and support designed for parents of children with additional needs. If you require any information about any of these courses please do not hesitate to contact me. Please remember that if you have any questions about your child’s education or well-being I would be happy to speak to you. Contact me on or call the school office and ask for Miss Reading. Have a well-deserved break over half term. Stay safe and well. 

Little Fawns is due to open on Monday 22nd February - Jenny and her team are excited to be getting closer opening the new pre-school provision. They have been really busy at the over the last few weeks making sure the space is of a super quality! Little Fawns will be hosting some Open Days in the near future and dates will be announced soon. There are still a few spaces available, get in touch if you want to know more.

Talking of applications (future members of #TeamTudor!)

For our (even) younger Tudorites, nursery applications opened on 3rd Feb – the online application service is live. Follow this link- Tudor Primary School - Pupil Admissions

Please do use the online application form wherever possible as the safest way to apply.  Alternatively you may print the forms on the website or contact the office for some paper forms to be sent out.  Deadline to apply is 12th March 2021 at 9am.

Have you tried our remote learning for parents too? ‘We never stop learning!’

We remain proud to be one of the first schools nationally to offer free, high quality materials that parents can access. Alongside a high quality provider you can access the support materials using the free resources option. I am in close contact with the course designer and the company is keen for feedback too. It is COMPLETELY free and there will be no related marketing material. There is super content and it is easy to access and use- to complete it in full would only take a couple of hours in total- as a parent myself I can assure you that the content is really useful. Such offers of support will not (in any way!) replace our personal commitment to you. #TeamTudor remains highly accessible to you all.

Tudor in the community- Friends of Tudor update

What an amazing parent community we have! Many of you have already donated to the page at

We are keen to help the army of doctors, nurses and local volunteers in their work with vaccinations in the local area. Many of the gift packages have already been delivered and they are certainly making a positive difference.

Making sure we keep that engagement. It WILL make a difference

As each week passes, there is little doubt that it becomes more difficult to inspire and engage our young learners. They are having to deal with a situation that none of us have had to deal with before. Opportunities to see their friends each day, play outside, go to assembly, represent their school at sport are just a small amount of the ‘normal’ experiences that enrich the lives of children of primary age and nothing we can put in place will ever replace those things.

I know I have said this before but please DO contact us if there is anything you need. Whether it is: the provision of technology to help you access leaning material, the offer of more paper based resources, the offer of individualised contact or even just a phone call to discuss things- we pledge to help you. In fact, without giving too much away(!), some of the things #TeamTudor have done over this period has made me more proud than ever to be Headteacher of your school.  Check out our twitter feeds and our class blogs- they are sure to make you smile…   

We set a high standard with our response to a full reopening last year and we were swift to offer EVERY child access to THEIR school. Expect more of the same. Let’s be excited about THEIR future.

Mr Weightman             
