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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Making sure the children of Tudor have a super (and safe!) December...

Newsletter 7- Wednesday 2nd December

Dear Parents/ Carers, 

Can you believe we are in December already? In these final 3 weeks of the Autumn term there is still a lot of (fun!) things to pack in. I think it is fair to say that the children deserve a really super festive period and we will be doing all that we can to finish off what has been a very strange year in the right way! Our decorations are already up in the front entrance and we are looking to add some further decorative additions to the school site- let’s make our school sparkle.

So what can the children expect?

On Wednesday 9th December, the children will be served Christmas Lunch. On this day, the children can wear festive jumpers too. Lunch costs £2.60 unless entitled to FSM or UFSM (R-Y2). The school will be purchasing crackers for the children and it will be as fantastic as ever!

Even though we will not be sharing cards around the school this year we will be offering a super alternative. From Monday 7th December, each classroom will have a festive display that children can decorate. Each child is invited to draw/ print/ copy/ design a paper bauble that can have their message written on. This can then be added to the display along with those from the rest of their classmates. If your child would like a copy of a bauble, they can get these from their classteacher. There might even be a prize for the most impressive class display. Oooh- how we love a Christmas competition!

The school has invested in an online pantomime for the children to enjoy. Despite this ‘different’ approach, we are sure the children can interact with the festive fun on screen. Talking of online interactivity, the team in early years are planning for something different so that they are able to share their talents with their parents. Whilst we are unable to invite families into the school hall, we are sure the children will enjoy their moment ‘on screen’.

As long as the year group baubles… I mean bubbles do not burst (sorry- couldn’t resist), the different classes will all be able to enjoy a party in the final week of the term. Keep an eye out for further information on these year group specific ‘extras’.

There will also be a surprise event (or maybe more than one!) for the children in the final week. Our amazing Tudor trail may also be getting a magical makeover which will allow the Tudorites to be transported to a Winter Wonderland… well that is the plan! I wonder who will be Santa…

Don’t forget that the Friends of Tudor are doing their letters to Santa again this year. The children of Tudor still have that opportunity to get a personalised letter from Santa to your child delivered to their door, complete with fun items such as chocolate gifts and reindeer food. The last day for dropping the post (including the £3.50 donation) into our magic post box is Friday 4th December.

Term ends on Friday 18th December. The school day will finish at 2pm. On this day, we have decided to have a ‘Wear what you want day!’- I’m sure the children will enjoy this final bit of fun for the final school day of 2020! We can then all rest- ready for an(other) year of Tudor fun!

SEND at Tudor Primary School- an update from Miss Reading, our Inclusion Lead:

Due to Covid-19 and the restrictions that this pandemic has placed on us all, we have been unable to offer our 'SEND Friends Coffee Mornings'. We are considering facilitating a virtual coffee morning, it would be an opportunity for parents/carers of children with additional needs to get together informally, have a chat and share tips and ideas with each other. If this is something you may be interested in, please email me at: or alternatively you can ask me for more details. If you have any questions, concerns, or worries regarding your child please do not hesitate to contact me via email, telephone or find me on the playground at drop off or pick-up times. Please do look at the SEND section of our website, you will find a wealth of information on here, it is updated regularly with parent courses and support groups and has a link to our School Information Report which will answer many common questions you may have. 

Little Fawns Pre school opening in February 2021

Our new partner will be offering flexible, high quality provision for all children, accepting 15 & 30 hour Early Education Funding for 2, 3 & 4 year olds. They will be working in partnership with Tudor School to deliver the 30 hour provision to children who attend Tudor Nursery-

Our new site manager has been appointed

Our advertisement for a new Site Manager received a lot of interest. Following shortlisting and interviews, Mr Kevin Denny was successful and will now be in charge of maintaining (and improving!) our school site. We are delighted that he will be working with us in this new position- the children deserve the best environment in which to work. Mr Denny is sure to deliver this.

Keeping our school SAFE. Please continue to follow our guidance at drop off/ collection.

You never quite know what is around the corner but, at the time of writing, Tudor continues to be fully open for all pupils and we have been delighted with how the children (and families) of the school continue to work together. To keep our standards high, please do not congregate or ‘hang around’ in school or at the front of the school following drop off or collection. In addition, no pupils that have been sent home (self isolating or otherwise) from other schools should be dropping off or collecting siblings. Thank you in advance for your support.  

Hearing those KEY voices- You may have seen on the website that the children completed a PUPIL VOICE survey recently. The views of EVERY child were taken and the results evidence a school in which the children feel very happy and one in which they are supported incredibly well. The atmosphere in school as well as the relationships that the children have with the staff team remains our biggest selling point. For more detail about what key voices have being say about YOUR school follow this link

I really hope that our school remains FULLY open until the end of term and this would be a super achievement considering the difficulties that schools have been facing.

Our youngest children have settled in amazingly well and our more ‘experienced’ Tudorites continue to progress academically as well as socially alongside each other. With some further green shoots of recovery in our collective response to the national pandemic, our biggest strength will always be the way we work TOGETHER- long may that continue. Let’s see what 2021 brings…

Mr Weightman                     
