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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Some positive information about #TeamTudor... 

Whilst the next newsletter about life at Tudor Primary is not due until next week, the team at Tudor Primary are delighted to share with you some of the feedback that the school has received recently. In addition to our Autumn visit from our Hertfordshire county advisor, the children have recently completed their 'pupil voice' feedback about how THEY feel about THEIR school. Let's be honest- I do not think there are more important voices than those of the children who attend school each day. Let's share what they said first!

The pupil voice questionnaire is very similar to the Ofsted 'Parent View' questions which parents and carers are able to complete online. We also added some additional questions that we felt were pertinent because they enabled the children to share their feelings post lockdown.

The following statements were rated by the children on a scale of 1 to 4:

  • I enjoy coming to school
  • I know it is important to be healthy
  • I feel safe when I am at school
  • I learn well in lessons
  • My teacher tries to make lessons interesting
  • Tudor has helped me settle back in school after lockdown
  • Behaviour is good at my school
  • I know what to do if someone is unkind to me
  • Adults in my school care about me
  • I know how well I ma doing at school
  • Adults explain to me how to make my work better and to help me improve
  • Adults at school have helped me start the new year well
  • Mr Weightman, Ms Smith and other school leaders are doing a good job
  • I know what to do if I see someone being unkind to someone else
  • The school is clean and tidy

Here are the results:

In addition to the pupil's views, the school recently had a visit from our school 'HIP'-our  Hertfordshire Improvement Partner.

The county advisor spent time with members of the staff team to find about how their performance and she was also able to speak to the children and ask them some searching questions about how they are working at school. The school received the report this week and the following quotes highlight how positive the feedback was:

'pupils have since settled back into school life positively'

 'positive and energetic leadership of the Head has promoted a relentless focus on the pupils and their emotional and educational well-being' 

'pupils spoke positively about their return to school and their experiences at Tudor more generally'

'pupils interviewed, spoke with pride about their school and were reflective about the challenges they faced during lockdown, and were rightly proud of their resilience and determination'

When asked how they would describe Tudor to potential pupils they said:  

“The education is great and teachers make it as fun as possible.”

“Tudor is a teaching sanctuary. They are good at explaining and learning is enticing. It makes you get into learning.”

“They offer lots of help and support.” 

“You never get into trouble for making a mistake. The whole point of school is to learn things you can’t already do.”

Whilst we have not yet reached December, 2020 has been a year unlike any other. I do believe, though, that you truly find out how effective you are when you are faced with new challenges or when you are outside of your comfort zone. The staff team continue to be highly committed to all of the children in our care and I would like to commend them all for their unwavering dedication to their job. It is also clear that the children recognise this too- and that's the best feedback we can have!

Mr Weightman