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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

As with the value of respect last month, this value is one of our three core principles and is at the heart of everything we do in school. Like with so many values, there is a degree of overlap between these attributes.

Once again, the children will be thinking about what responsibility is and how we can all work towards showing responsible actions and behaviour. Responsibility is a recurrent theme at school, as it probably is at home, and it increases with age, as we all know!  At school, we expect more in terms of personal responsibility as the children grow and move through the school. We encourage our children to be responsible for their actions and choices so that they may become problem solvers and make positive contributions. In the wider context of a values school, we talk of responsibility in many contexts, chief among them being the responsibility to protect other children’s rights.

Please use the assembly as a starting point to help you to engage with your child.  It includes pictures and suggestions for valuable conversations.