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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Some requests from #TeamTudor in supporting the health and wellbeing of our school community.

Dear Parents and Carers of Tudor Primary School,

I hope you have all had an enjoyable half term break with your families.  I am sure that you will have all seen or read the announcement from the Prime Minister yesterday about a month-long national lockdown from November 5th until December 2nd. I wanted to update you on the implications of this revised guidance for Tudor Primary School.

It was very clear that schools are to remain open for the duration of this lockdown period as there are measures in place in schools to make them safe from Covid 19. 

In light of the news this weekend we will be introducing some additional measures to enhance and refine our approaches.

From Tuesday 3rd November, we request that parents support the following:

-All parents (and visitors) are requested to wear a face covering when entering the Tudor site for drop off/ collection. We would appreciate your support in working with us in this expectation.    

- Only one parent per family should enter the school site at drop off/ collection. This will obviously limit the number of people on the site at these periods of increased traffic.

- We also request that parents leave the site immediately once they have dropped their child in school. Please refrain from congregating at the front of the school.

Whilst people may have differing views on the different safety measures that are in place in society, I am sure you would agree that we all have a role in working together for the children and families of our school.  

As you are aware, we have implemented a detailed plan of additional measures that enable our young learners to attend their school safely. The adapted approaches in school continue to be monitored and evaluated and we have been proud with how we have worked with our community so far. As my communications with the school community evidence, the ongoing and sustained (safe) education of the children is of vital importance. In addition to this, the social development and mental (and physical) wellbeing of the children and staff team will also remain a priority. 

As well as providing high-quality home learning during the main period of school closure, we were one of the few schools nationally to offer sustained in-school provision for all pupils before the summer holidays. This was made possible by effective planning and teamwork from all at #TeamTudor. Our ongoing response has remained a key area of our work and we have been able to deliver bespoke adaptations/ adjustments for children/ families when needed.  I have also been delighted with the feedback that the school has received throughout this troubling period and I trust that this strength of our school will remain in this next period of increased government intervention.

The announcement yesterday is likely to have caused some worry for you and your child but please be reassured that my staff and I will do all we can to continue to keep our school a safe environment for all.

I think it is also pertinent to mention that members of our Tudor community will also be concerned about the potential impact of this second national lockdown for varying reasons, including financial pressures that it may bring. Do remember that all at #TeamTudor place our school at the heart of our community. Do contact the school if you believe that we can help in any way...

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.

Yours faithfully,

Rob Weightman/ Headteacher

Current guidance: