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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

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Newsletter 4- Friday 16th October 2020

Dear Parents/ Carers,

This will be our final newsletter of the first half term. I cannot believe how quickly it has gone but we have certainly squeezed a lot in during this period. The classroom environments look super and they evidence the progress that the children are making. Whilst the work can show how much the children have progressed academically, I have been even more delighted how the children have progressed (and grown) socially since they have returned to their school. Despite all of the uncertainty and ‘extra pressures’ that schools have been under, the smiles on the children’s faces have continued to grow bigger and bigger as the term has gone on. Feedback from parents has also been highly pleasing and our school continues to be a happy and vibrant place to be each day. We still have a lot ahead of us and we are determined to ‘fill those gaps’ from their missed learning during school closure but we are certainly motoring along…

Being a true COMMUNITY…

I have been delighted with how the school community has worked with the leadership of the school to help deliver a safe return for the children. The range of additional measures have been well received and there is also recognition of how we continue to refine and enhance our approaches. Please do recognise, though, that different people have different views on what is (and isn’t) right. In many ways, such situations are a reflection on society and it is about getting the right balance. A quick look over social media shows how there is increasing polarisation of views on what the government is doing as well as how we should respond as a society. In the ‘spirit of Tudor’, please do support each other and please refrain from making comments about the choices that other people make. Some parents (and children) have been ‘questioned’ about the wearing of face coverings- surely we must respect the rights and decisions that people make. Community is about tolerance and respecting the rights and views of others- let’s model those values to the children of Tudor. They look to us for guidance and we ALL have a duty to show them the right way to behave and treat each other… 

Parent Consultations- interactive opportunities to find out how your child’s experience in school

You will have received information on how to ‘attend’ the parent consultations that are taking place next week.  These are taking place via an interactive video link. We are really excited to offer this ‘ONLINE’ opportunity to ensure the parent/ school relationship can flourish! Parents can log in up to an hour before your appointment. Do leave yourself enough time to get signed in and ready! Please book via of families already have!

Helping to keep Tudor improving- Governor Election Result

There was a super amount of interest in the parent governor position on our governing board. A fantastic set of nominations were received and a subsequent election took place last Thursday. Mrs Wright who is one of our year 2 parents was successful in the ballot and she is looking forward to working alongside the school to help us improve further. A BIG thank you to all those other parents who put themselves forward for this important position.

Parking- working alongside our local community

I have already mentioned the importance of working in partnership with each other and I would like to take this opportunity to request that you park safely and carefully around the school at drop off and collection. As I have mentioned before, this school is probably the ‘calmest’ I have ever worked at in regard to the traffic situation but there have still been some complaints made from local residents. Please do take extra care and consideration when parking- please also do not park/ stop on the yellow markings at the front of the school. Consider parking a little further away and walking some of the journey- as well as supporting healthy lives, it will mean that the capacity of the road is not stretched!

EnergyKidz- socially distanced after school care!

EnergyKidz continues to provide super quality after school care at Tudor. By using our large hall, the EnergyKidz team are able to deliver their fun provision until 6pm each day. Booking of spaces can be made online at:

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT- A high-quality PRE-SCHOOL provider is coming to Redwood Drive

During the summer months, the selection process for the new pre-school provider was completed. We are delighted to announce that ‘Little Fawns’ will soon be operating from the pre-school building next to the school. For more information, follow the links shown on the right to find out more. Tudor Primary School looks forward to working alongside our new neighbour! Info at:

The children looked so smart on Monday!

Photo proofs from individual pupil photos should arrive at school before half term. For preference order online but we will take cash payments and order forms in school if you cannot. Lots of great Christmas present ideas!

Tudor- the school for YOU- Due to the open layout of our school we have been able to deliver socially distant/ safe school tours. Reception place applications open from the 2nd Nov until 15th Jan 2021. The school site has been upgraded in so many ways over the last few years and we are keen to share it!

Also related to ‘new school’, Year 6 parents are reminded that the deadline for secondary applications is Sat 31st October.

It is not long until half term- school finishes at 3.15pm on Friday 23rd October. The first Monday back (November 2nd) is a school INSET day so the children are expected back in school on Tuesday 3rd November. We look forward to seeing you all next week at drop off/ collection or online for parent consultations- it is an important time of the year because the range of learning strategies (and additional supports!) are really starting to have a big impact. If your child has been offered extra support, please do all you can to ensure your child can benefit from it- we PROMISE that it will have a super impact on them (and in so many ways). Children all have an equal right to be successful and flourish in life so let’s all work together to make sure that the children of Tudor have the BEST opportunity to succeed. I may be biased- but these amazing children deserve it.

Mr Rob Weightman/ Headteacher                       #TeamTUDOR