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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Do you want to help lead our school forward? Come and join our governing board...


Governors at Tudor Primary School are dedicated to supporting and contributing to the school to secure its mission and sustain its ethos. They do this within a framework of trust, respect and shared values. They are an aspirational and cohesive team, committed to ensuring they have the complementary skills and knowledge base to discharge the responsibilities of a modern day Board of Governors. Our role is diverse including anything from appointing the new Headteacher to contributing to strategic discussions which set clear and ambitious strategic priorities and targets for the school and holding the senior leaders to account by the monitoring the school’s performance.

We need parents of pupils registered at the school to make a difference by volunteering to become parent governors.  Currently we have one vacancy for a parent governor on our governing board and we are seeking skilled and motivated volunteers, who are committed to improving education and to making a positive contribution to the education of our pupils, to apply to join us.

Your voice as a parent is very important to our school and it is vital that the governing board has good representation of parents among its membership.

Information about the role

Once elected or appointed for a term of four years, a parent governor takes on the role of a school governor, a public volunteer. All governors are equal; no category of governor is any more important or influential than any other. Parent governors exercise a strategic parental voice on the governing board.

We are seeking parents who have a real willingness to help, who can listen carefully, read important documents, ask questions, attend training and be able to actively contribute at meetings. If you can spare approximately ten hours or more a term then please consider nominating yourself for this special voluntary role.

The governing board is particularly seeking applicants with the following skills:

  • Enthusiasm, time and commitment.
  • Your local knowledge will be valuable: you will have a feel for what is important to people.
  • Any professional or other skills you may have will be very helpful.
  • An openness to learning and change, and wanting to make a difference.
  • Objectivity in debate and decision-making that can add further to school matters.

What are the benefits?

  • Being a school governor is an important and rewarding role serving the community.
  • The knowledge that you have will play a part in improving local children's education and support the school's staff in preserving the ethos and aims of Tudor Primary School. 
  • A chance to develop new skills, to practice and strengthen existing ones.
  • The opportunity to work as part of a team to make a real difference.
  • The opportunity to meet new people from all walks of life whom you probably would not have otherwise encountered.
  • Knowing that the decisions you collectively make will have a huge impact on children’s lives.
  • Personal development and being part of a modern day governance team.

If you want to find out more, open the attached documents...

Come and be a key part of #TeamTudor