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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Knowing what to do and how to respond...

November 2nd Update

From the government guidance dated 31st October:

The Government will continue to prioritise the wellbeing and long-term futures of our young people and will not be closing schools, colleges or universities. It remains very important for children and young people to attend, to support their wellbeing and education and help working parents and guardians. Senior clinicians still advise that school is the best place for children to be, and so they should continue to go to school. Schools have implemented a range of protective measures to make them safe.

September 25th Update

See letter from Herts County below.

September 7th Update

I thought it might be helpful to share some updates from Public Health following the recent spike in COVID-19 cases in the local area. Cases seem to be community acquired rather than showing any common location or contact group. Most recent cases are now largely in the 20-50 year age group, rather than the 16-19 group first reported and of these, most are mild with very few resulting in severe illness or hospital admission.

To keep the transmission risk low:

· Social distancing is essential both on school site and elsewhere. We are offering a staggered start and end to the school day to reduce bottle necks. Please make sure you follow the one-way guidance around the school site and allow extra time and space when waiting outside classrooms. We are also asking that only one parent drops off and collects. Please refrain from meeting other parents on site or outside of the school.

· If you can avoid taking the children to crowded or busy places out of school hours that would also help.

· Please remain vigilant to any symptoms. Children need to stay at home if they develop a high temperature, persistent cough or lose their sense of taste or smell.

A flowchart to support decision making

I also attach a document issued by Hertfordshire to help clarify what to do if you suspect a member of your family has been in contact with a COVID case or starts to display symptoms themselves.

Experience has informed us the testing procedure is easy to access and results are received quickly. So what happens in response to the different outcomes?

We also have additional guidance for how schools should respond to different situations.

There is little doubt that families are unsure of what to do when your child experience those symptoms of colds, etc which will always be commonplace as they grow up. Checking for a high temperature (above 37.8) is an appropriate first step.