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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

How Tudor Primary continues to INVEST in your children's future

Dear Parents and Carers,

Re- Continuing our commitment- Reports and Summer Learning Investment

I am writing to you to share further information with how we continue to invest in your children’s education (and future). As I have said in previous correspondence, our current pupils are having to respond to situations that none of us have ever had to experience before. Therefore, I am pleased to share some ‘extras’ that each child will receive along with their end of year report.

We believe that our response to the school closure has been effective. We remained open throughout (including the Easter holidays) and we have been able to plan for (and deliver) a return for more year groups and more children than the vast majority of schools. Our interactive and online learning provision received great feedback and we are proud how the team at Tudor were able to support our community- educationally and socially.

We are now open to every single year group and some of our classes have had nearly 90% of the children return- way above the national average. The next period of time will be really important and I am pleased to share the following.

Every child who is returning to Tudor next year will receive high quality learning books to the value of nearly £20. The picture below shows how much the children will actually get! These colourful activity books will revisit the key learning from the last year and they will be a great help to each and every child. A regular commitment to these books is sure to make a fantastic impact with your child’s confidence and learning in preparation for their full return.

But what about year 6? As well as giving them their super Year 6 leavers hoodie free of charge, every child moving to secondary school will also be given a £10 book token so they can choose something to enjoy in the summer. Furthermore, we look forward to them returning in the near future for a reunion event to mark this important point in their educational journey.

I would like to take this moment to share how wonderfully behaved the children have been since they have returned to their school. Whilst we work hard to make sure they are supported with their school work, without exception they have adored being back with their fellow Tudorites. Our efforts to make sure that this has been done safely and appropriately have worked- we really wanted to make sure all the children could see each other before the summer break. Experience tells us that 6 weeks of summer can be problematic to the progress of children, we can only speculate what the last 6 months will mean.

Please do encourage your children to have a ‘good go’ at the learning materials. Education and schooling is a ‘one chance’ opportunity and we remain extremely aspirational for each and every child at Tudor. Our successful home learning provision was supported by high quality pre-printed materials and parents informed us that the children really liked engaging with these- this is why we have further invested in your children this way.

I do hope you enjoy reading your children’s reports. This has certainly been a very different year but I do think our response to such difficult periods determines who we truly are. Let’s all be #TeamTudor.  

Your children deserve the best.

Mr Weightman/ Headteacher