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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

#TeamTudor for next academic year...

Wednesday 1st July 2020

Dear Parents/ Carers

Re- Class allocations for the academic year 2020-21

I am pleased to be able to share the following information with you. It highlights which teacher will be teaching which class from September 2020.


Teacher for 2020/21

Moved from?


Miss J Pike



Miss J Adams



Miss J Price



Miss K Manzie



Miss S Foy



Miss E Cosby

1O- Miss S Foy


Miss L Scott

1P- Miss S Adams


Miss R Houston

2R- Miss L Scott


Miss G Sentance

2Q- Miss E Cosby


Miss M Grundy

3S- Miss R Houston


Miss J Bail

3T- Miss K Manzie


Miss E McKenzie

4U- Miss G Sentence


Mr A Crowder

4V- Miss M Grundy


Mr A Munro

5W- Miss E McKenzie


Miss D Cohen

5X- Mr A Crowder

*Parents in Red and Yellow class will be informed if their child will be in either 1O or 1P by a separate email.

There will be transition opportunities taking place for children to meet their new teacher in their current classrooms in the week beginning 13th July.  Furthermore, there will be ‘Meet the Teacher’ meetings for parents early on in September. Do look at the website for when these meetings will be taking place. The website will be updated with key dates (including class assemblies and dates for consultations) for the full academic year very soon.

Please be assured that Tudor will be ready for any eventuality for the new academic year, ranging from a continuation of current practices to a full reopening. Families will be informed of the Autumn term provision at the earliest opportunity via our range of communication methods including email.

End of Year Reports will be sent home in the week beginning 6th July along with some further summer holiday support activities. We have invested heavily in these high quality pre-printed learning resources that will provide revision and consolidation support for your child. We really hope that the children can benefit from these during the holiday period.  

Thank you for your continued support in these highly challenging times.

Rob Weightman/ Headteacher