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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Helping children return to school safely...

First of all, I hope you have all been able to enjoy what has been a warm and sunny half term break. This was, in fact, the first period of actual full school closure for Tudor to children. The team at Tudor, though, have continued to prepare for the start of the phased reopening from June 1st.

I hope that you have felt supported by your school during the health crisis and we pledge to continue to try our best in this next transitional phase. We aim to make Tudor feel as 'normal' as possible and we want children to be able to enjoy returning to their school. Different schools will have different strategies and, with your help and support, Tudor will continue to be successful in our response. I have seen images of schools on the news with large amounts of hazard tape keeping children away from book cases and areas of the classroom as well as lines in corridors and other spaces. We believe that by being committed to reducing risk and providing more simple and achievable guidance Tudor will continue to be  safe environment for your children. I do believe the strength of our response is in its simplicity.

Children will be in classrooms that will continue to look inviting. Whilst there will not be the large interactive displays or the opportunity to sit around a table like they have been able to before, the rooms remain bright and welcoming. Tables are spaced out and they will have the resources they need in their own learning space. Each 'group' of children will be able to access a large outdoor space for breaktimes and this will be monitored by Tudor team. Packed lunches will be delivered to rooms and this will limit movement around the school as well as ensure handwashing practices are effectively managed.  

Which classrooms are being used?

Nursery- use of main nursery door for access/exit

Red- use of verandah for access/exit

Yellow- use of door by main classroom for access/exit

1O- use of entrance by steps for access/ exit

1P- use of outside door in classroom for access/ exit

6Y- use of 5X classroom

6Z- use of normal 6Z classroom

Key Worker classrooms will be:

N,R,1- use of 3T

Year 2,3- use of 3S

Year 4,5,6- use of 4V

The role of parents is vital in this next period. We are offering a large 30 minute window for dropping off the children at school. Access (and exit) to the school will be easier with the use of the pedestrian as well as the main blue (road) gates. We have not placed markers on the floor but we ask parents to remain appropriately distanced from each other and follow guidance from staff when required. There is likely to be some excitement about people being able to see each other for the first time in an extended period but please do not congregate in groups and please do not remain around the front of the school before or after drop off/ collection.

I have always believed that the vast majority of parents at Tudor want to work WITH the school and recognise that the best outcomes are the result of the partnership that we enjoy. However, there is little doubt that school leaders (in all schools!) are having to experience and respond to rules/ guidance/legislation that we have never had to before- it is certainly a steep learning curve for us all.

As I said in my first communication at the start of this health crisis- I look forward to the time when Tudor Primary is fully back to normal. Let's all work together to make sure this next period feels as normal as it can... 

Thanks for you understanding.

Mr Weightman