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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Please read for information on the planned reopening of our school.

Friday 15th May 2020

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Re- Phased re-opening of Tudor Primary School from Monday 1st June 2020

I am writing this letter to outline the current offer of provision for children from Monday 1st June 2020. This may change following further government guidance.  I have been extremely proud of how Tudor has set a high standard in regard to our response to the health crisis that is affecting our country. I would like to thank the vast majority of the parent community who have supported their children in remaining engaged with the provision of learning from school as well as the sustained contact that we have been determined to maintain. We remain in partnership WITH you.

Schools have been asked to plan for a phased re opening from the start of June. It was appropriate to have a detailed plan in place rather than simply initially ask parents whether they will be sending their children to school: your decisions would rightly be influenced by how school will be organised! Following extensive planning, I am able to share the following information. I will divide the key points into sections:

Nursery (AM only), Reception, Year 1 and Year 6:

From Monday 1st June, each class will be split into 2 groups and there will be a blended offer of school based learning (2 days) and home learning (3 days). Group 1 will be able to attend school on Monday and Tuesday and Group 2 will be able to attend school on Wednesday and Thursday. The classes will be split alphabetically (Surname A-K= Mon/ Tues, L-Z= Weds/Thurs) as this will mean that siblings from families (in different year groups) will be able to attend on the same days. To provide an example, if your child is in year 1 and you have the surname Davis, your child can attend school on Monday and Tuesday each week.

The remaining learning provision (3 days) will be completed at home. This blended offer of 2 days in school and 3 days at home will mean that class numbers can remain low and staffing capacity can ensure enhanced safe working practices. In the EYFS for example, each adult will be able to work with very small groups indeed. The 2 days of learning in school will be complemented by the 3 days of Tudor Home Learning.

Lunch times and break times will be staggered and there will be clear one way access points to and from the school site. There will also be minimal movement around the school site. For those children who have a school dinner, school packed- lunches will be offered in place of a hot option. This will mean that hand washing/ dining provision (amongst other things) is easier to sort during the school day.  This is obviously in addition to the multitude of additional health/ site safety measures (such as increased cleaning) that will take place across the school. From Monday, we will create a special section on the website too for extra questions and this will be updated when appropriate.

I do hope that all parents in these year groups where children are able to attend consider enabling their child to return to school. As I have said in previous correspondence, children only get one chance at an education and our children are having to deal with a situation that none of us have ever encountered before. The impact of restricted movement as well as the other limitations placed on them is highly likely to have had an impact on their wellbeing, just like it has had on the rest of us.

If you do NOT want your child to return to school at the start of June, please do email the school on by 1pm on Wednesday 20th May. Please make the subject of the email ‘JUNE RETURN’ and make sure your family name/ child name is clearly highlighted on the email too. We obviously have a continued duty to understand where children are and safeguarding expectations/ guidelines continue to have the highest focus. Be assured that the choice of sending your children to school is YOUR decision. Schools will obviously NOT be issuing fines over non- attendance.

Years 2,3,4,5

We will continue to offer our high quality Tudor Home Learning for the remaining year groups. If and when government expectations change in relation to these year groups, it is highly likely that the blended offer of school/ home learning will be extended. Even though the initial phased opening does not include these year groups, do feel assured that the children will be supported and there will be the sustained high quality home learning provision that has had super feedback from you. We want to keep exceeding your expectations!

Key worker children

This provision will remain in place. From Monday to Thursday, this will be accessible to key worker families from years 2,3,4,5 (and N,R,1,6 if not in class that day) and on Friday it will be accessible to key worker children from all year groups. We are still able to receive requests for this provision from those families of key worker status. Staff/child ratios will still be appropriate to ensure high quality support.


Such a letter is unable to answer every key question that parents may have. Be assured that further information will be shared and you will be informed which exact days your child is able to attend (for example, Mon/Tues or Weds/ Thurs). Schools have received strict guidelines/ expectations throughout the health crisis and I am of the firm belief that Tudor has gone above and beyond throughout. The team have been magnificent in their application and commitment to your children and we pledge that we will do all that we can to maintain this standard. We have remained open to a significant number of children throughout and we have remained open during the holiday periods too. We continue to be proud to have received the positive communication (including countless letters and cards) from people within the local (and wider community) who have benefitted from what #TeamTudor has done so far.

It will certainly be a long time before everything feels normal again but I trust the actions of Tudor Primary School continue to support you and your family and we can remain in partnership to play our vital role in your child’s development.

Thanking you in advance for your continued support. I look forward to seeing you all as soon as possible.

Mr Rob Weightman/ Headteacher