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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Tudor continues to invest in HIGH QUALITY opportunites for children...

UPDATE- Wednesday 15th April-2pm


Nursery- work set via Tapestry- no additional resources to be collected

Reception- Collect packs from school.

Years 1-6- Collect packs from school.

School grounds will be accessible from 10am to 2pm  for pack collection on both  Thursday 16th April and Friday 17th April. 

Please ensure you are also checking your emails for further details/ guidance on the provision of Home Learning.

Social distancing measures will be in place. Packs are named for specific children. There are also small gifts/ treats for children/ families to collect.


There has been significant financial investment in these materials and we hope that, alongside the close partnership/ interaction from classteachers,etc, your child will continue to be supported with learning (academically and socially!) during the Summer term. 


Original news item:

First of all I hope that you all made the best of what was a rather ‘different’ bank holiday weekend. The weather was super and this certainly helped during this difficult period when we are more limited in what we are able to do. We should recognise that, whilst we are unable to get ‘out and about’ we do have a super opportunity to have some quality family time and I hope everyone in our Tudor community is safe and well.

Home Learning- Summer term

As I have mentioned before, Tudor remains committed to working WITH you all and we believe that we have planned well for the next period of ‘Home Learning’. At this point in time I have had no further information on when school will be ‘returning to normal’ and I must ensure that we continue to be pro active in supporting all of our young learners (in a multitude of ways!). Following feedback from parents, we want to ensure that home learning activities are presented as ‘simply’ as possible to children and there should NOT be an expectation on parents to produce photocopied/ printed activities. We know that not all families have printers and it has been great to hear lots of positive feedback about the provision FROM school of high quality pre printed materials.  I must say that, as a parent, such visual and supportive materials are easier to use with children when compared to general tasks that provide children with less guidance.


For the summer term, we will be expanding our use of the pre-printed materials. This has been a decision that will obviously cost the school a great deal of money but we are highly confident in the support this will give families as well as the impact on the learning itself. You can continue to expect LOTS of engagement from your child’s teacher too. In fact, I firmly believe that Tudor Primary is setting a high standard here. For some of our older children, we have further invested in the provision of individual text books and exercise books that can be used at home by your child in this period of home learning. Once again, this will mean that, alongside the use of Tapestry (EYFS), See-Saw (KS1) and Google Classroom (KS2), the children will be able to access high quality learning and, importantly, parents will find it much easier to manage in the home.

So how do you receive your new learning packs?

At the end of this week (Thursday 16th April and Friday 17th April) parents will be invited to the school playground (the weather looks good!) to collect the learning packs for the summer term. For more specific timings, we will communicate what to do via email/ school text/ twitter, etc. Social distancing measures will be in place at all times on the school site. As well as the valuable learning materials, there will also be a gift/ treat for children. Please use your ‘daily fitness’ opportunity to walk to school to collect the learning pack.

We REALLY want EVERY child to be able to access the learning from the start of the Summer term which is next Monday (20th April).

We are confident that Tudor Primary continues to rise to the challenge of engaging families in these difficult times. A huge thank you to all those families that have shared positive stories  about what their children have been doing at home and how they continue to represent this super school of ours. 

We strive to enable each and every Tudorite to still feel that they are fully part of a school that cares for them. Whilst the teaching process is tough to deliver at the moment, we pledge to do our best!