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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Pinch, Punch, first of the month! 

Yesterdays task was something that allowed the children to do both writing and designing. Everyone had their very own take on the task and impressed me in different ways… here are just a handful of the responses:


Milo started by selecting the fruit he was going to use, he then decided what would be blended into the topping (sauce) and what would be cut up and put into the mix. After preparing it he created a label telling us about the nutritional values of the snack!

Archie created some train themed fruit snacks, he sent in a video of a cooks show – very amusing I must admit! In it he explained all of the different things included in the fruit bars.

Lu-lu had a go on the computer at creating a label and some eye-catching adjectives to make her fruit snack look very persuading!



Roman cut out the individual pieces of fruit in his fruit salad, and thought about the audience buying his fruit snack. He wrote ‘each box makes a puzzle piece to build a puzzle’. This would definitely persuade me to eat more!





Sky used rhyme to make her snack stand out from the rest… take a look!

‘A healthy fruit snack to get you to school and back! ’


Nishka decided to use a packet for her fruit snack, and designed it all by herself and used scissors and glue to create this magnificent piece!


Ayanna took a space theme on with her fruit snack, she used black paper and bright colours to make it stand out on the shelf!


Willow used a play on words with the alliteration of ‘Willows Winders’!

Edie took a spin on the traditional carrot sticks making them more appealing to eat with a super cute picture of two very happy carrots!

Jasmine created a bit or rainbow magic with her ‘vitamin and mineral’ snacks! We all need lots of them at the moment!