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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Hello Year 1!

We've been so impressed by what we were sent in last week. We did notice capital letters are starting to fall off sentences. If you ask your child "What's missing at the beginning?" they will usually remember and add them. Many children have a few capital letters they are unsure of but just need you to show them how to do that letter and they'll be able to do it solo one day soon. 

Today's home learning activities: 

  • English Pages:  14 + 15
  • Maths Pages:  14 + 15
  • Practice your letter formation (see separate post for tips)
  • Spelling, basic punctuation and maths online/real life games:Here's a new free maths games website for you. It's Carol Vodererman's
  • Do your daily reading
  • Topic (History): Research this question and answer in at least a few sentences (depending on the child) so they practice their sentence writing skills. These are important to keep up. If you can write more than 2 or 3 sentences then even better! Don't forget capital letters at the beginning of your sentences. The question is: How did farmers collect the harvest before combine harvesters? I put that question into a generic search engine and that helped answer the question quickly. 

How did farmers collect the harvest before combine harvesters?

Don't forget to exercise daily: