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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Thursday 26.03.2020 - Home Learning

Hello Year 1! 

Thank you to all the parents and children who have emailed us. We love emails! We want to hear from EVERY CHILD IN YEAR ONE. Please email us to tell us how you’re getting on and feel free to share if you’ve followed an alternative to our suggested educational tasks. We still want to hear from you. 

Today's home learning activities: 

  • English Pages 10 + 11
  • Maths Pages 10 + 11
  • Practice your letter formation (see separate post for tips)
  • Spelling, basic punctuation and maths online/real life games: For example, we sent home the login for Maths Shed/Spelling Shed a while ago (your login works for both)
  • Do your daily reading
  • Topic – Do research to find 3 or more facts about sheep. Write the facts down to practice your sentence writing skills. Please don’t forget to send over your topic work to your class email!  

Don't forget to exercise daily:

  • Why not have a go at following today's Joe Wicks PE sessions?:
  •  Also check out Mr Higgins daily P.E workout (see his Tudor Sports blog)


    Answers will be uploaded later in the day so you can have a go first. 

    We look forward to hearing from you – 

    Miss Foy, Mrs Benjamin, Miss Adams and Mrs Knight