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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Look after yourself!!

It is really important at this time of uncertainty that you take good care of yourselves. Be kind to yourself and others around you. Create a good routine; get up and washed and dressed every day, drink plenty of water, limit screen time and have a good sleep pattern.

In these difficult times, remember that you may feel a mixture of emotions; angry, sad, lonely, frustrated, bored, scared – AND THAT IS OK!

Reach out if you need to, talking is the best way to get help! Please keep in contact via our 6Y and 6Z emails.

 Take time for yourself and learn some really important good life habits.

You could try this:

Gratitude Treasure Hunt:

Something that makes you feel happy

One thing you love to smell

Something you like to look at

One thing that tastes good

Something that is your favourite colour

Something that makes you smile in nature

One thing that is very useful for you

One song that makes you happy

Something to give to someone else to make them smile


We'd love to hear some answers. And if you really want a challenge.

Have a tablet/console/phone free day


Good luck with that one and have fun

Mr Munro and Miss Cohen