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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

What have you been up to today?

Hello Year 2...

We hope you have had a good day- in school we have completed the pages of our work books; played some spelling and maths shed; written a few riddles and made a kite (just for fun).  We also took part in Mr Higgins' Tudor shake challenge!



It has been great to see some of the work you have been getting up to at home.

Here is Ollie's riddle:

I am white and fluffy

I am born in the spring

I like to be in fields 

I like running and jumping

Florence's riddle:

I look like a very soft cloud.

I eat lots of grass.

I drink sloshy, fresh water.

I live in a big, green field.

I give birth to babies.

I make milk.

I have a curly fleece.

What am I?

Ethan's riddle:

and finally Daniel's riddle:

Can you guess what there are?

Briar Rose also sent in an awesome riddle, but technology is not being my friend today :( ... trust me, Miss Reading and I loved it!

Also Merielle has decided to be like Samuel Pepys and write a diary! Great work!

Lucia  completed her workbooks and then made a bird feeder- we hope you can get a chance to draw some of the birds that visit it!

Also, Daisy has sent in all the activities she did today as well!  Glad to see the reading as well as the PE ( looked great!

The answers for today's CGP work book pages are attached below.