Year 3 finish off the autumn term with forces and festivities!
WOW...we can't believe that we are at the end of the term. It has been great to learn so much over our term, but still have a blast along the way.
This week it was great to not only enjoy our lessons, we loved having a chance to create our own Christmas bauble with our friends and family during the Christmas craft night.
In class, we finished off our science topic by thinking about contact and non contact force. BELIEVE IT OR NOT....a magnet can move magnetic items without touching them! Plus some forces we thought were no contact actually had contact we couldn't see, like the wind moving your hair- or a balloon rocket. We also found out that blowing up balloons can be tricky!
Over the term we have learnt a lot about what it was like in Britain during World War Two, so for our final lessons it was only right to find out about what it was like on the day the war ended- VE Day!
After looking at sources of evidence, we made our own commemorative plates plus bunting. Then is was on to a little mini VE Day party, with a drink and a biscuit followed by a whole Year 3 party games session in the hall.
A great way to end the term (maybe there were even shouts of "the best day ever!" Heard at the end).
Tea party fun!
A bit of the party... musical statues is always a firm favourite...
All the Year 3 team hope you enjoy your Christmas break (remember to do some reading....please :) ) and we are so excited to start our spring topic....