Seeing a life cycle in the classroom
UPDATE.... we have butterflies!
Over the weekend, 5 butterflies have hatched- we are not sure about the others as they may well hatch later- fingers crossed.
A butterfly having a little snack.
As part of our science topic, we have looked at the live cycle of different living things. First it was the life cycle of plants with seeds and bulbs, now we have moved onto looking at the life cycle of creatures.
Some young look a lot like the adult version, but others change a lot!
To have a more up close look at these changes we have some new members of Year 2! They are very quiet but don't get any of the work done... :) Instead they have been eating their food, making small poops, making silk and growing.
Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3:
Day 4:
Day 5:
BREAKING NEWS.... The caterpillars have reached the next stage of their life cycles...the chrysalis stage.