We had such an exciting week last week in year three! Every single afternoon, the children were developing their cooking skills.
We began the week by taste, testing a range of different foods, including dates, tzatziki, hummus, mint, coriander, and feta. The children had mixed feelings about some of these that they all did a great job at having a try, and then describing the taste, texture and smell. Following on from this, we used carrots to practice our techniques of peeling grating, dicing and slicing. The children worked sensibly and precisely when using the knives and we're all very proud of the small consistent sized pieces of carrot they were able to cut.
The next day, we then designed our couscous recipe. Children were allowed to create their own personalised recipe, applying the knowledge from the taste testing experience. Finally, we spent Friday using all of our skills to prepare a delicious lunch of couscous, tzatziki and hummus. Have a look at the attached photos to see our super learning!