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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Our project this half term in Art, is to create a picture of a volcano. This will include painting the shape of the volcano as well as the lava and ash cloud surrounding it. The children will be using a range of materials to help them create this painting, as well as a range of different paints and pieces of equipment.

Today's art lesson was all about exploring the different textures that we can create with various materials. We used cotton wool, bubble wrap, straws, net tissue paper and a variety of different paintbrushes. The children were able to use the paintbrushes to create different splatter techniques in the style of Jackson Pollock. They also used the other materials to dab and spread. Finally, the children explored how they could use straws to blow the paint and recreate the texture and appearance of lava. Take a look at the pictures below to see how the children's creative exploration went, and keep a look out for our final versions.