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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

A round up of some of our work in Year 2 this week.

Well it was an exciting week this week in Year 2. 

2Q had their first class assembly (we are all looking forward to 2R's after half-term); some children started Bookmark Reading; our plants grew some more; there was a lot more mixing of colours in art AND we have started writing our own adventure for Fantastic Mr Fox.


This week we started working with Bookmark Reading to help make us EVEN better at reading and talking about what we have read. For the next 5-6 weeks a group of children will have 2 half an hour reading sessions where they answer questions and work on those key reading skills. We are very excited about this opportunity and the children enjoyed the sessions too!

We have had some success with our sunflowers in 2Q, and they are ready to go home for that extra dose of light.  Good luck and keep us posted on their progress.

In English, we are writing our own Fantastic Mr Fox adventure. To help us plan out our ideas we use the Mighty Writer. This uses different symbols for different parts of a sentence. Look at how many stars- or adjectives- we are trying to get into our work!



Finally, in art we have continued looking at tones, this time using the primary colours with white and black. After looking at some landscapes, we have had a go at trying to match the colours by mixing them and experimenting with the tones.