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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Year 2 become coders for the day.

This week both year 2 classes have spent time learning how important algorithms are when programming technology.  We spent a day looking at how to ensure our instructions were clear and using our computational thinking skills to debug any that didn't quite work.

The days started by helping a dragon (us) get to it's treasure using words like, north, south, forward and back.  We decided on how to record our programmes and tried it out a number of times.

Some happy 'dragons' who reached the treasure

 Next we had a go at working with beebots. The beebots were not new to us and we built upon our Year 1 skills to write our programmes before inputting them into the mini robots. The tricky part was remembering to put in ALL the instructions!

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 After this we took our learning to the ipads. We then used the coding blocks in Scratch Jnr to make a dragon hatch from it's egg- as you do!

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