Our First Week Back to School in Year 1
We have got off to a flying start in Year 1 and the children are settling in fantastically to their new classes. We have taken part in lots of fun learning activities this week with regard to our current topic, 'Me, Myself and I'. The children have been learning all about their local area and what they can find within it, plus learning all about addresses and how to write their own. They have been working very hard on practising their counting from 1-20 and have demonstrated fantastically how to order these numbers too. In English, we have been sharing descriptions of our favourite toys or special items that help us to feel safe and comforted. We have talked about why these items are so special to us and when we keep them close by such as bedtimes. With this in mind, we would like to ask your children to bring in a toy or maybe a blanket or any item that they consider special to them. We will be using these to inspire our writing next week and hope to add this information to our Autobiographies for Mr Weightman!
On another note, we have had a few children unable to locate their PE Kits. Can we please ask that you make sure that all of your child's PE kit is clearly labelled including their kit bag so that they can find them easily should they unintentionally get moved to a different peg.
Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday morning. We hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Abad Murillo and Miss Bell