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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Another busy week in Year 6!

This week we have been continuing to learn lots about the Ancient Maya!

In history, we have been looking at the types of jobs that existed during the Ancient Mayan times and finding out which were more important that others. Then, we compared them to the types of jobs that exist today.

In music, we have been looking at lots of different genres of music and have been listening to traditional Maya music. We talked about the different instruments that were used, what we thought about it and how it made us feel.

In art, we have been carefully painting our Ancient Maya masks with bold colours, using a range of painting skills. They look amazing!

Finally, in science we have been carrying out field work by investigating which animals and plants live in our school environment. We then used this information to create a fact file where we used our classification skills to put each animal or plant into a specific group and give reasons for this.

Homework Pages - Spelling due Monday / Reading, Maths and Punctuation due Tuesday

Spelling - pages 12-13

Maths - pages 

Reading - pages 28-31

Punctuation - pages 22-25