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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Our topic in Science this term is Light. The children were set a challenge to use mirrors and reflection to get a beam of torchlight to hit the target car.

In yesterday's Science lesson, 3T and 3S learnt all about reflection and the concept that light bounces off some surfaces. We first drew a diagram to show this and used lots of scientific vocabulary to explain it.

Then, the children were set a challenge!

They set up a car and a torch with a book in between to block the light. They then had to use their knowledge and understanding of reflection to get the light to hit the car. This meant using lots of mirrors to reflect the light in various directions so that it could go over the book and reach the car. Well done to lots of groups who were successful! Take a look at this picture of Amie, Miruna and Zephaniah from 3T who successfully completed the challenge.