Here are some egg-cellent Easter card ideas...
Since it's Easter weekend, why not have a go at creating your own Easter card!
1. Finger paint - All you need is a little paint, a black pen and your fingers! Have a look at the picture below... simples!
2. The 'handy' spring chick - simply draw around your hands, and cut out the shapes, then attach them to an oval shape...then decorate with a face!
3. Flower hunt - This one is great, all you need to do is pick up some pretty leaves or petals during your daily walk, and when you get home see what you can come up with by sticking your findings to a piece of card! They could come out very bright and colourful!
Remember to check out Mr Higgins daily challenge too, you may even spot Miss Foy!
Have a Beautiful Easter year 1 !
Stay in, Stay Safe,
Miss Foy, Miss Adams, Mrs Benjamin and MRs Knight x