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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Page 1

  • Fabulous Friendships!

    Published 13/09/24, by Jenny Wood

    In our PSHE learning, we have been exploring the importance of positive, healthy friendships. 

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  • Easter Homework

    Published 28/03/24, by Andy Munro

    Reminder of Easter Homework

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  • Pasties

    Published 28/03/24, by Andy Munro

    We hope the children allowed you to try them!

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  • Cooking and More

    Published 15/03/24, by Andy Munro

    Even with assessments, there's still time for some cooking and more in Year 6

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  • Scaled Scores Explained

    Published 15/03/24, by Andy Munro

    Check out this website if you want to know more about scaled scores

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  • Nature Documentaries

    Published 16/02/24, by Andy Munro

    As you may have seen on Twitter (X), there has been some sensational nature documentaries written and performed this week. Check out the examples below.

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  • Biographies

    Published 02/02/24, by Andy Munro

    In English, we have been writing biographies about Sir Ernest Schackleton. Take a look below. Also there is a sneak peek of some science work in progress too.

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  • Exploring Landscape Artists

    Published 19/01/24, by Andy Munro

    In art we have started to explore landscape artists - have a look at some of our favourites

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  • Brilliant Biomes

    Published 19/01/24, by Andy Munro

    Our current topic of Extreme Environments includes exploring the worlds biomes. Have a look at some of our fabulous maps showing the locations of these.

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  • Raiders and Traders Roundup

    Published 19/01/24, by Andy Munro

    Please have a look at a small selection of some of Year 6's fabulous work during our Raiders and Traders Topic - includes: English, Art, DT, Science, History and Geography

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  • Amazing Homework

    Published 09/06/23, by Andy Munro

    It's a great joy to see some creative and amazing homework. Keep it up!

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  • Adventure Stories

    Published 26/05/23, by Andy Munro

    Computing day meets Theme Park

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