We look forward to meeting your expectations in the Spring Term (and beyond!).
Tuesday 5th January 2021- 5pm
Good Evening,
For those families that have requested in school provision, you will shortly be receiving additional information about the how the support will be delivered in school.
EVERY child (at home or in school) will be able to receive high quality learning support as well as regular bespoke support from their 'normal' classteacher. Please remember that the more that your child interacts with your teacher, the more they will get out of it! Regular communication and a true commitment to their learning is vital. A large number of children have already 'checked in' and are 'on their way'. Well done!
Let's all work together to support the Tudorites during this second period of school closure...
Tuesday 5th January 2021- 1pm
Let's work together in this difficult period...
It has certainly been a busy morning at Tudor Primary. We all hope you have been accessing the content that has been going live today. Some interactive content was released within an hour of the announcement that schools would be closing!
Those families that require in school support as part of the key worker/ vulnerable groups need to contact the school 2pm today. Please email the school office (title of email as REQUEST FOR INSCHOOL PROVISION) on admin@tudor.herts.sch.uk
Please attach any supporting evidence to your request.
Effective home learning that will support the educational and social development of your children is only possible with a sustained commitment from both home and school. Please feel confident that we are keen to support in any way we can.
Your child's education and wellbeing remains an absolute priority for us at Tudor and our duty of care to the children remains even when they are not in school. We expect to hear lots from you and we really DO want to see and hear how your children are responding. Each classteacher is able to fully focus on daily interaction with all the children in their class- this is what we KNOW drives high quality home learning.
'Home Learning' can bring a complete set of new challenges and we pledge that you will feel fully supported throughout this period where additional restrictions are in place. Your feedback has informed us that you appreciated the further investment from school in high quality printed materials- this will continue to be part of our strategy to make sure that Tudor sets a high standard!
We really want to make the BEST out of this difficult situation.
Update- Monday 4th January 2021- 10.30pm
Good Evening,
Last update tonight I promise!
Do check the class pages on this website. They will be updated with key information about how each year group will provide Home Learning Support. Use the hyperlinks for quick access:
Nursery and Reception- Use of TAPESTRY
Year 1, Year 2, Year 3- Use of SEESAW
Year 4, Year 5, Year 6- Use of GOOGLE CLASSROOM
Update- Monday 4th January 2021- 9.20pm
Good Evening,
Whilst school was prepared for full opening tomorrow, we have, at this late hour, been informed that all schools are to close immediately to all children except those who are regarded as vulnerable learners or children of key workers.
Online learning support will be ready for children by Wednesday 6th January at the latest (check from tomorrow!). Further information will be shared with you highlighting how you/ your child can access the learning platforms. We remain committed to also providing high quality paper based materials that will further engage the children. We were very proud with our home learning offer last year and we pledge to meet (and exceed!) your expectations once again.
The key to our success in this next period of time will be the communication between home and school. Please do ensure that the school holds the most up to date contact information.
The teaching team are ready and we remain determined to support your children in any way we can! Our plan of delivery will mean that your child will be able to engage closely with their teacher. Let's truly be #TeamTudor.
This will commence in school on Wednesday 6th January 2021. Similar to the previous lockdown, this will be organised in phase bubbles (eg EYFS/ Year 1 and 2/ Year 3 and 4/ Year 5 and 6). The school already holds information regarding those families that accessed this provision last academic year and families will be contacted about whether they still require this support.
If you would like to request a new/ additional space because you believe your circumstances meet the criteria, please email the school office (title of email as REQUEST FOR INSCHOOL PROVISION) on admin@tudor.herts.sch.uk by 2pm on Tuesday 6th January 2021. Please attach any supporting evidence to your request.
Latest guidance for who can request this provision can be accessed here:
Update- Monday 4th January 2021- 8.15pm
Good Evening.
I am writing this update in response to the announcement that all primary schools are to close with immediate effect. Tudor Primary will now be offering online/ remote learning as soon as possible. I am pleased to say that the school had a full plan in place and we will be able to commence this provision very shortly.
Children who are vulnerable and children with parents that are key workers will be able to request in school provision.
Please be assured there will be further updates this evening. Whilst we were prepared for a full reopening until 7.59pm, members of the school leadership team are now working to ensure that we can deliver a high quality response for the children of Tudor, whether they are working from home or in school.
Mr Weightman
Update-Monday 4th January 2021- 7.45pm
Awaiting information. This page is will be updated as soon as school is aware of new guidance.
Update- Monday 4th January 2021 (midday)
I am writing this update to inform you of the current situation at Tudor Primary School. The teaching team returned this morning for training about the new term and it was great to see them all. There have obviously been a number of questions about how how we are adapting practice to ensure that safety and wellbeing is a priority in our school for both the children and staff that attend each day. A number of additional measures have been put in place and it is important to highlight how much of our practice and provision is guided by the team that work here each day. As headteacher, I must not have expectations that are impossible to meet during the working day. My priority, as always, is to ensure that the children get a 'good deal' at Tudor and the team remain proud to be a part of #TeamTudor.
All classes will be open from tomorrow and we are excited about the learning that is in store. The classrooms look exciting and we have some super themes to inspire the children. The children have been making awesome progress (academically and socially) since the school closure of Summer 2020 and we are keen to continue those steps forward.
I remain in contact with other school leaders and advisors and, as you can imagine, no one is able to predict what the future may bring. Do continue to keep an eye on this website and please use official school sources of information for updates rather than general social media. Some schools have closed for a period due to specific reasons such as issues relating to the capacity of the staff team- different schools may have more specific difficulties when formulating and (more importantly) delivering on the content of a risk assessment. We are fortunate with the site that we have and there are a number of advantages that we have over other schools and situations.
I thank you in advance for your cooperation and support. Since March 2020, Tudor Primary has worked proudly alongside the community it serves. In these (continuing!) challenging times, our teamwork and collective response will remain our biggest strength. As always, we pledge to ensure EVERY family will remain fully informed about Tudor's provision.
Mr Weightman
Saturday 2nd January 2021
First of all, I would like to wish all of the Tudor Primary community a 'Happy New Year'
2020 was a year unlike any other and the additional challenges that schools (and communities) faced show no sign of slowing down. Whilst no one is able to predict what lies around the corner, I pledge that we will always work WITH you and we look forward to supporting the greatest children around.
At this point, we expect to see all children return on Tuesday 5th January- the teaching team have planned some super experiences as part of the new themes of learning and we know that the children will enjoy what is in store. The leadership team have been working during the holiday period to ensure that school remains a safe and welcoming environment for the children and staff. There have been some additional adjustments and adaptations to our school risk assessments and we hope that we can remain fully open for all our children. I pledge that our lines of communication remain strong and do be confident that you will be fully informed if any further changes are required.
Whatever the next few week brings, our collective response will be stronger if we all support each other. I trust that our actions as a school evidence our commitment to your children. As headteacher, I continue to be blessed with a fantastic team of teachers who want the best for the children of Tudor.